Lost At Sea

      The sun rose one morning on a warm day with clear blue skies.  The snow began to melt and birds could be heard chirping in the bushes that grew outside the windows that lined the dining room walls.  Delaney, Ian, and Vincent sat eating their breakfast and laughing over a memory.  They were almost finished when the door opened unexpectedly.

      Harris came in looking worried.  He had been acting as the butler, among other things, while they were at the city house with such a small staff of servants.  He quickly bowed to them all and apologized for interrupting.

      "C-Captain Black," he said nervously, "A man from your father's estate is just inside.  He came with this letter marked for Lord Adair and it seemed urgent.  I imagine you would like to speak to him before he leaves though so I asked him to wait.  I don't believe he understood me but I tried my best to get my point across."