The Queen's News

      "I only just found out," Sophia said quietly, "But Delaney I... I'm pregnant!"

      A wave of emotions swept over Delaney all at once.  First, was shock to hear the Queen was pregnant since the witches had said she couldn't have children on her own.  The realization hit her quickly after that Sophia and Daniel had really gone through with killing the two women and then taking the potion in order to have a child.  That was their only chance and it had worked.  Now the Queen was pregnant already.

      After she had gotten over the surprise she felt the familiar sting of jealousy and ache of sadness.  It had been only a few days ago that Delaney had realized she wasn't pregnant and that had been hard after she had been so hopeful with this new medicine from Opal.  Ms. Bird had reminded her though that she had been exhausted since Ian's injury so she and Vincent hadn't been focused on having a baby.  The maid was sure it would happen very soon.