After Ian

      Delaney couldn't manage to regain her feeling of happiness after watching Ian leave their home for good.  She didn't know if she would ever see her friend again and that made her heart ache.  Vincent didn't push her.  They went together to their room where he sat on the couch there and she curled up against him, tears on her cheeks.  She talked about how she would miss the pirate and Vincent agreed he would miss him as well.  He was sad to see the man go just as his wife was.

      "Can we go home now?" Delaney asked quietly after they had sat for a time.

      "Of course," Vincent nodded, "I'll tell everyone we want to leave first thing in the morning."

      "Thank you," she whispered and hugged him.


      That night after a small dinner when they were in bed about to go to sleep, it was only then that Delaney remembered the news the Queen had shared with her.  She rolled over onto her stomach and propped herself up on Vincent's chest.