Dragon Wounds

      Miles immediately dropped his sword and hurried to his brother, a stream of curses coming from his lips.

      Delaney ran forward as well, lifting her skirts and rushing to her husband.  "Miles!  What did you do?  How could you!"

      "God!  Oh God Vince I'm sorry!  I'm so sorry!"

      They both reached him at the same time but Delaney put her hands against Miles's chest and shoved him backward.  He stumbled back but didn't fight it, his expression showing clearly how sorry he was.

      "It's alright," Vincent tried, "I'm alright.  It's just..."

      "There's so much blood," Delaney said in concern, reaching toward Vincent but not sure what to do.

      "I-I can go get the doctor," Miles said quickly, "I can ride into town and..."

      "This is all your fault!" Delaney shouted at him.