The Plans

      Ms. Bird had the kitchen send any food they had up to Delaney's room for she and Miles.  Sitting with this man who was like her brother at the small table in her bedroom, they ate their fill of cakes and meats and fruits.  Miles would tell her to try things after he tried them and so he managed to get her to eat more in one sitting than she had in weeks.  By the time they were done, Delaney thought she might pop.

      Having eaten his fill, Miles dropped onto her bed, laying back with his arms folded under his head.  Delaney smiled and came to sit beside him crossing her legs beneath the skirt of her undress and the robe she wore over it.  He yawned and closed his eyes.

      "After all that, I think it might be time for a little nap."

      Delaney giggled and shook her head, "What about all your plans?"

      "Ah yes... the plans," he opened his eyes and looked up at her, "I could nap while you get ready I suppose."