Rude Awakening

      Delaney and Miles got home that night and barely managed to make it to Delaney's bedroom.  It was so late that all of the servants were in bed so they had no idea which room Miles was supposed to be staying in.  Even if they had known though Delaney wasn't sure they would have been able to find their way to it with their wine-addled minds.

      Miles instead got to her bedroom and sprawled out in the corner on her fainting couch that was much too short for him.  Delaney was going to insist he sleep on the bed and she on the couch but when she made her way over to him he was already sound asleep.

  With a little laugh, she covered him with a blanket and weaved her way back to her bed.  She knew she should get her gown off but she was too tired and dizzy and didn't think she would be able to do it on her own anyway.  So she dropped down onto her bed and tucked her legs under her skirt.  Before she had a chance to think of anything else she was asleep.