The Messenger

      Delaney and Miles arrived at the card club once more and he was quick to tell Constance it would be their last night.  He invited her to join them at Delaney's Aunt and Uncle's house the following night and the woman was pleased to accept.

      "I think I'm going to go home the day after tomorrow," she said, "So having a nice night together will be the perfect end to this trip."

      Delaney forced a smile to her lips but she was anxious to start playing cards and actually enjoy herself.  If this was going to be her last night of freedom from her heartache then she wanted to make sure it was good.

      Constance had a lovely dinner waiting for them in the dining area of the club.  Miles filled his belly but Delaney found she couldn't make herself eat much.  She was feeling off now.  She was putting a lot of pressure on herself to make the most of the night and it was actually just ruining it for her.