My Heart and Home

      The carriage came to a stop in front of the grand front doors.  The rain was still drizzling down, making the flames of the torches dance.  Delaney looked out and felt suddenly frozen in fear.

      This was it.  She was here at last.  She was going to walk in and see her husband, the man she loved.

      A footman came and opened the door to the carriage for her and Delaney knew she couldn't wait any longer.  Taking a deep breath, she let him help her down.  The poor man was clearly shocked to see the duchess of Edgewood step out without her gown over her layers but Delaney barely noticed.

      She was staring at the doors where they were now opening and a man was stepping out.

      Her breath caught in her throat when her gaze met a pair of beautiful green eyes.