
      The next morning Delaney was up early and Ms. Bird took great pleasure in dressing her up in one of her finer dresses that she had recently taken in to fit her mistress's now smaller figure.  She did Delaney's hair into an intricate pattern and made sure she looked perfect.

      "We want you to make a good first impression on the people working at the estate," the maid reminded her mistress, "And you only get one first impression."

      Delaney honestly didn't care what these people thought of her but she let herself be dressed up for Ms. Bird's sake.  She knew her unflinchingly loyal maid would defend her against anyone who tried to speak against her so Delaney figured she might as well try to make that easier.

      Her Uncle Felix and Aunt Flora both offered to go with her but Delaney politely declined, using the excuse that she wanted to seem capable and independent the first time she met the people at the estate.