The Happy News

      The Doctor from the village was an older man with greying hair and a mustache he twisted when he was thinking.  He smiled kindly at Delaney and began his examination after a short introduction.  He had been with an ailing older man most of the night and she could tell he was tired but she was so thankful he had come quickly to see her anyway.

      Delaney sat still while she was poked and prodded, answering every question he asked of her.  Her heart was racing which the doctor commented on with a chuckle, telling her there was nothing to be afraid of.  She didn't bother telling him it was nerves not fear.

      After what seemed like ages but was actually not too long, he stepped aside and let Delaney sit up and pull her robe on.  Ms. Bird and Ava had been waiting anxiously themselves from the other side of the bed and now they looked like they were about to pop from excitement.