The Land Of Bones

      The carriage had come to a stop, unable to travel further due to the large dragon bones littering the land.  A scared-looking footman opened the door for them.  Both Duncan and Bernard hesitated, looking at one another and then out at the world beyond.

      "I never thought I would have to come back here," Duncan whispered.

      "Neither did I," said Bernard.

      At last, after taking a deep breath, Duncan got out and then Bernard.  They helped Delaney out and when her feet hit the ground was surprised to find it shifted like sand.

      "The fire burned all the life out of the dirt here," Bernard said quietly, "The King gave the farmers money and told them to rebuild but they can't.  Nothing can survive in this ground."

      "That's why all the bones are still here," Delaney said as she looked around, "There's no point in the farmers clearing them because they can't use the space anyway.  So why waste the time?"