Don't Do This

      Stepping out of the carriage, Delaney was immediately hit with sheets of rain.  Bernard took her on his arm and together they hurried up the stairs of Edgewood.  It was dark from the storm but thankfully it wasn't too early in the morning for the servants to be awake.  The butler was there waiting to open the door for them.

      Duncan and Ms. Bird were right behind them and together the four rain-soaked people stumbled into the foyer of the manor.  Delaney pushed her wet hair from her face and looked around.  Before she had a chance to see much though there was a flash of someone and she felt herself being crushed into a hug.

      "Oh, Delaney thank god you're here," Violet Adair said, her voice hoarse.

      Delaney hugged her back with one arm, the other holding the box, before stepping back to look at her.