Replenishing Carnal Energy

Inside the Light Church's Helius Branch, there was a medium sized room that had giant windows at the side of the room, where rays of burning sunlight soared in.

A desk made of plastic had several files and paperwork scattered all over it, with a blue pen at the side. There was a budget office chair, where a man criss crossing his fingers sat.

"This is troubling. Why did one of your brethren come here without informing me? Don't they know that this will jeopardise the plan we have prepared?" The smooth shaven young man spoke in a gruff voice to two other figures that hid in the shadows, away from the sunlight. A look of great annoyance lingered on his face.

The young man wore golden priest robes, which were the robes given to those who accumulated various merits in service of the Light Church. However, his mannerisms did not belong to a kind-hearted priest. Rather, it closely resembled an arrogant demon.

"Forget it. Why are you so angry? It's just a slight variable that has nothing to do with our plan. After all, the White Reversal pendant still works. You're a human, so you would naturally be excluded from suspicion. No loss to you." One of the figures spoke. It was a higher pitched voice, with underlying tones of seduction hidden in it.

"Stop using these kinds of petty tricks on me. I have an innate Holy Body." The young man shrugged off the attempt made by the figure to calm him.

"Hehe. What a weird world isn't it. To think that a Blessed Son would work with us high-rank demons one day. The thought of it makes me go crazy with delight! Ahahaha!" Just as that figure started laughing, a dagger's golden handle shined in the sunlight, while the blade was already at the throat.

"Shut up, Succubus Xelia. Don't test my patience. The only reason I'm working with you is to awaken the Witch quicker, not because I'm on good terms with you." The young man made the blade that he was remotely controlling drop.

"These demons are truly tiresome. I hope this one doesn't mess up the situation we prepared." The young man closed his eyes, as the figures in the shadows discreetly melted away.


Metro's whole body was extremely relaxed, as he wiped away the sweat on his forehead with a tissue. He had thrown away Roger's Gun with the squad costume. It was essentially useless to him, as his original plan of exchanging for a new XK-2 was ruined by the damned people in white discovering the truth so fast.

The people of this world was observant, and much more cunning that the world he had previously lived in. If he had a Novice Cunning, then their skill would be Master Observation!

When he had escaped from the people in the garage earlier, he had entered a corridor, which had a few doors, along with a flight of stairs heading up. Metro knew that he must find a new disguise, since his old one was already exposed. He hurriedly opened all of the doors, and there was coincidentally a man dressed like a priest inside of a library.

This priest gasped at first, before patting his chest in relief. He was about to ask Metro what he was doing here when an uppercut knocked him square on his chin. Due to the priest's average body build, he could not resist a trained body's punch, which knocked him out cold.

Even though Metro had struggled with learning how the squad uniform had to be put on, it had paid off, as he quickly changed from the uniform to the priest's robes in under a minute.

Then, he had dragged both the uniform and priest out, and threw them into a random room. After all, he didn't plan to stay here for long. Wearing the priest robes, he hurried up to another floor, and found many ordinary people that were moving around.

They were dressed in various outfits, and were talking and laughing with each other. Mingling among them, Metro soon found the exit, and had already quietly slipped out. He walked out of the Light Church pompously with an eye catching smile.

Metro could hear the passers-by whisper to each other. "Why is a priest walking out with ceremony robes? Isn't that against the rules?"

"Shhh, don't criticise the priest. What if they prohibit you from coming to the church anymore? Then we can't get protection from the demons."

Metro scratched his chin in surprise. He had not expected the common people in this world to know about the existence of supernatural beings. He remembered that Robert had seemed very impressed at the demon's display of powers, even though he didn't know what exactly it was.

"Looks like I have to be more cautious of this demon." Metro set his expectations high for the demon. As he continued to walk down the street, behind him, the Light Church's alarm blared.

"Oh well. Looks like they caught me." Metro turned on his Abyssal Eye again, trying to latch onto the aura that was leaked out by Lord Foraging.

"Eh?" Metro felt that his connection to the Abyssal Eye had started to dim, which made him wrinkle his eyebrows in frustration. He could not feel Lord Foraging anywhere, only vast sources of carnal energy.

"I need to restock on my carnal energy. Now, where should I go?" Metro knew that he had used up the stock that he had gained from absorbing the parasites. Unfortunately, he did not know the locations of where the carnal energy was.

"Any random one will do." There were three stocks of carnal energy in this city. Two of them was located at the east of where Metro was, and one was to the south west. Metro decided to head for the south west after a few seconds of contemplation.

He could not exclude the fact that the two sources of carnal energy in the East was connected to each other and was being run by demons. Demons were very troublesome to deal with. Being the considerate person he was, he also wanted to help the Light Church save some energy for the demon later.

The city was one that was relatively large and was filled with various clubs, stores, and places which provided special services. There were also quite a few alleys around that were between these stores, and some alleys were cast in shadow by these buildings.

As Metro walked towards his carnal energy bank, he noticed a tourist stand that was filled with pamphlets. "So this city is a tourist destination? That explains a lot actually." Metro picked up a brightly coloured pamphlet.

"Welcome to Helius City, where every kind of entertainment can be found!" The first page of the pamphlet had these words displayed on them. Unfolding the pamphlet, Metro found a map for the city.

Two locations caught his eye instantly. There was a casino that was located in the southwest, while twin hotels that were connected together by a high rise bridge were in the east.

"Casino... I should need some money. Yeah, robbery would be good." Metro looked at his fists, and then looked for any potential victims. It was the afternoon now, so there were not many people moving around.

Moving his eyes around, he eventually discovered a backpacker that was speaking in a foreign language rapidly into his phone. Metro walked at a normal pace while he approached the backpacker, who was now swearing loudly at the phone.

While nobody was looking, Metro swiftly delivered a few quick jabs to the backpacker's chest, which knocked the wind out of him instantly. When the backpacker looked at Metro in shock, another brutal hit to the temples put him out for good.

When everyone started to look at Metro again, he held up the backpacker with his hand while genially smiling. He had turned off the phone to prevent any incoming calls from attracting attention.

Even though some people looked at Metro and the backpacker, they simply assumed that he was helping a drunk friend and went on their way. As for Metro, he took the backpacker to the dark alley, stripped him from head-to-toe and changed outfits again.

"Damn, what a nice wallet." Metro looked at the large amount of notes inside the leather wallet, as he walked away from the downed backpacker. Metro was slightly surprised that he had actually felt no guilt from committing a crime. It even felt natural to him.

"Did I already adapt completely to the mindset of an Artifact Wielder? Or was this already existent in me the whole time?" Metro could not tell for sure, as he headed to the casino.