Teenage Devas (Part 4)

"Intelligence is the key to mastering scientific skills." Even though Metro did not kill anyone and hence had not received any drops yet, his intelligence had allowed him to inherit skills from the scenarios without risking any danger at all.

"Intelligence looks to be great, but I also need other skills if I want to survive these scenarios." Mysticism was a main concern of Metro. If he was suddenly thrown into a world that had magical creatures, he would likely die from their supernatural powers. He decided to focus on those two stats when he returned.

"Speaking of which..." Metro checked his watch again. It was not that he wasn't scared of the time limit, but that his willpower regulated his mind constantly to stay under control. Therefore, he had to constantly check the time to know when he should kill again. The time he had been left with was 4 hours.

"It's quite troublesome to kill in this environment though. The students look to be protected by the military soldiers. If this school is related to that corporation, it will be excruciatingly hard to deal with their agents. Should I go outside to commit some murders?" Metro contemplated his options. As he silently thought to himself, a heavy grip landed on Metro's shoulder, giving him a shock.

"Nasser Lee! It's great to see you here! I nearly thought that we killed you the last time we had our "meeting". Now, did you understand anything from the beating or will you give me my Umbra credits now?" A cocky voice whispered into Metro's ear.

"Are you guys the Black Tar Gang?" Metro instantly recalled the spray painted threats and the fact that this body died in a dumpster. He had not thought that a group from this school would actually resort to bullying, but it looked like this was not the case.

"You got selective amnesia now? You tried to pull that bullshit off, and now you're still doing it again after the beating we gave you? Nobody can hear you scream here. You really have a death wish!" Metro suddenly felt his body warm up and his fingers moved automatically towards the unknown person's chin, pushing upwards while emitting some glow.

The skin of the person actually resisted the force of the fingers at first, but the fingers tore it apart with brute force and went up all the way through the soft nostrils, spraying blood all over the place.

"Kor... Kor... gahhhhh!" The person who was threatening Metro just now tried to scream, but since he was choking on his own blood and his tongue now had a hole through it, he could only make guttural noises as he writhed in pain.

Metro's fingers pulled to the left, slicing its way through those nose and the gums, effectively splitting the face in half, causing an explosion in mucus and blood all over the place.

"Oh yeah, I wonder, did anyone hear those screams?" Metro leaned down to talk to the person. It turned out that he was a muscular, brown haired boy, who looked to have modifications done to him, judging by how the skin resisted Metro's Holy Boost.

The boy looked at Metro and shivered. He was on the verge of passing out, but he wanted to resist for his life and wait for his compatriots to rescue him. Struggling to stay awake, he heard Metro's face turn into a devious grin and say, "Too bad the room's soundproof."

Hitting the side of the boy's head violently, Metro made sure that the boy remained unconscious. Then, he removed the boy's clothes, before proceeding to slice open the upper half of the boy.

"With my Biotechnological skill, I should be able to exchange my organs with him to get rid of that debuff I got from this body." Metro used his fingernails to cut through his own chest, and winced a little as he saw some blood spurt out from the self inflicted wound.

"I should exchange the unimportant organs only... the heart and lungs are too risky for me to consider. Maybe one lung at time could work? Yeah, I will go with that."

Since Metro did not have a knife, he could only use his supernatural powers as a tool. Utilising Eye of Light to cut perfectly at the right spots, he pulled out the digestive system of the boy, which felt extremely robust.

Draining the food inside the the digestive system and emptying it on the floor, Metro then proceeded to do the same for his digestive system, making it sure that it did not do too much damage to himself. Dropping his digestive system on the floor, he then attached the new one to his own body, and attached it by using the heat from his fingernails.

Then, Metro proceeded to do the same for his lungs. When Metro made the fine incision on his left lung, he suddenly felt a breathlessness rush over him, so he had to attach the new lung quickly. He repeated this one more time for his right lung, albeit easier, since his whole body was starting to improve with the new organs.

As Metro sealed up the right lung, his consciousness completely blacked out. Then, his eyes converted into a crimson shade, as he reached his hand into the chest of the boy out of instinct, digging for the prize of the human body.

Metro pulled out the heart of the boy. It pumped out the blood that was in it, slowly shrivelling up, but it was miraculously staying fresh outside of the body. Looking at the heart, Metro's body grew hungry, and he took a wide bite out of it, consuming half of it and spraying blood all over his face.

One more bite, and the heart completely disappeared into Metro's stomach. As the heart was digested, a strange shadow overlaid itself on Metro's body, and a few fangs emerged behind Metro's teeth. However, a strange light shone on Metro's body, causing the shadow to dissipate and for Metro to be back under control.

"Such a warm, nice snack?" Metro realised that blood was suddenly dripping off his mouth, but he did not feel revulsion to it. In fact, the blood in his mouth was like sugar, melting down and reinvigorating his body. It was as if his whole body had received a comprehensive cleansing.

Metro's eyesight had become sharper, which allowed him to see the syringe that was located in the boy's shirt pocket. Taking it out, he was shocked to see that it was actually a game item.

Newman Coating

Tier: E

Class: Fortitude

Active Skill: Defence against physical attacks. Blunt attacks have greatly reduced impact, but sharp attacks are still able to pierce the skin.

Pre-requisites: E in Strength.

Warnings: One time use.

"E in Strength?" Metro checked his stats to see if he could use it. While trying to check his stats, he could not help but notice that there was a new line to the Gluttony Bloodline.

[Gluttony Bloodline(hungry for more): +1 to Strength and Agility. Consume more biological matter to enhance and maintain this effect.]

"The Gluttony Bloodline can take over my body any time if it's unsatisfied? That's a giant liability." Metro was repulsed by the fact that the bloodline had used him to commit cannibalism, but was more concerned that he would not be able to control himself if he encountered similar events.

"Do I need to eat more humans first to satisfy this bloodline? Maybe I should target more members of this Black Tar Gang." Metro's eyes widened in excitement as his mind was filled with killing intent. Of course, he was not killing without thought this time.

The Black Tar Gang was shaping up to be quite influential in this "school", considering how this boy had abilities that exceeded human capabilities, and that they could continue their activities for such a long time. Metro was extremely certain that as long as he kept killing upwards, he should be able to at least find an agent of that mysterious corporation the quest had mentioned.