Teenage Devas (Part 5)

Licking the blood off his face with his tongue, Metro checked his watch. The time had advanced by an hour and a half, because the boy was stronger than the average person and was boosted with some kind of defence. Metro then looked at the stats to see his current status. The Genetic Malfunction already had wore off due to the scuffed transplant.

Strength: E

Fortitude: E

Agility: F+

Intelligence: E-

Mysticism: F

"How perfect!" Using his Eye of Light, Metro looked past the skin and fat layer, finding a thick blood vessel that was perfect for the injection. He pressed down the syringe firmly into his right arm and injected the colourless liquid inside his bloodstream.

Within moments, Metro started breathing aggressively, as he felt his heart pump at an unimaginable speed. His whole body tensed up, as his skin peeled off from the intense heat emitting from the hyperactive muscles.

The epidermis and dermis skin peeled off together as one giant piece, so it looked like Metro was moulting which in a sense, he was. A smooth, silky substance had formed over the subcutaneous fat, which prevented it from falling it out.

If anyone looked at Metro now, they would scream in shock and lose consciousness immediately. His whole body was clean of hair and skin, stripped bare of human features except for the frame. However, Metro did not mind it at all, as long as he got stronger.

Surviving was his ultimate goal, no matter what he used to achieve it. That was the innate goal for sentient beings, to struggle against death to maintain their consciousness, not to mention that he had not even begun to explore the memory gaps that he had.

Metro's skin started to grow and attach on the substance itself, which was surprisingly flexible to the touch. With his strong vitality, the skin's regeneration completed in no time, along with hair on his eyebrows and his scalp.

Metro could feel that his movement speed had become slightly more sluggish as he swung his arms around. Presumably, the layer itself had added extra pressure onto him, suppressing his agility.

However, it was really a minute decrease, so Metro couldn't complain much. However, it made Metro think, "How much boost does every increase in stats give?" The side effect of the syringe could have been too insignificant for the system to mention it.

"I have to take notice of these random side effects. Sooner or later, they will catch up to me." Since the system was unwilling to let him know of these details, Metro naturally had to get his hands dirty and use his intelligence to figure out whether using these items were worth it.

Now that Metro was done with his upgrades, he sighed as he saw the giant splatter of blood and stains he made from the body. All his clothes were on the ground as a result of the moulting earlier, and were soaked thoroughly with blood.

Metro looked around the lecture room and searched for any pieces of cloths to at least cover up. There were no cameras in the room to protect the students' privacy, so he did. It have to worry about anything that happened here. There was a glass cabinet that housed numerous pieces of white lab coats in various sizes that were hung and unused. They appeared to be used for practical lessons.

Even though Metro doubted that the coats could have been worn without looking suspicious, he still found a use for them. The pants of the boy had only absorbed a minimal amount of blood, while Metro had removed the shirt beforehand and tossed it away.

Taking out a few lab coats, Metro pieced them together into a pile, before he grabbed the pants and violently scrubbed it onto the lab coats. The clean lab coats were dyed with shades of pink and red, but the brown pants started to lose the heavy smell of blood and now only had brown splotches on it.

After it had been scrubbed enough so that it looked almost indistinguishable from normal clothes, Metro slipped into his new pair of uniforms, and resolved to lay low when the gruesome crime was eventually uncovered.

Walking up the stairs to open the door, Metro saw the door creaking open, making him freeze in his tracks. An ominous yellow eye moved through the crack at the door, fixing its vision on Metro.

"Found you, little rat!" The yellow eye suddenly imploded, releasing electric sparks everywhere within the lecture room. The corpse that Metro left started to burn and smoke up the whole room. No matter where Metro sought to dodge, his whole body would have been paralysed. Metro's muscles froze up as the electrical signals wreaked havoc on his nerves. He tumbled down onto the ground floor, staying in a state of stasis.

When the electric sparks finally disappeared, the door finally opened fully, revealing a girl. She had brown ponytails sticking to her side of her head, and every part of her body was slim.

However, this girl had her eyes hanging out of the sockets, only connected to her through the optic nerves. Furthermore, her arms had large, visible pores on them, but strangely enough, nothing could be seen emitting from them. Her deathly pale skin added to her inhuman features, making her seem like a monster from children's stories.

Her legs were still not modified, and she strode over to Metro's side confidently. Lowering her eye to touch Metro's arm, an electric current ran through Metro, shocking him once more.

"Boss sent me to kill you, but since you can resist both of my shocks, you would be more valuable alive than dead. Stand up." The girl sat on the stairs and played with her ponytails while waiting for Metro.

"How did you find out?" Metro leaned up, and used the incredible strength of his legs to stand up straight. Stretching his arms, Metro realised that he had actually gained some height, likely from an increase in his power level. The body of Nasser Lee was quite small when Metro had first arrived, but without the Genetic Malformation, Metro had grown back to his normal height.

"When your brain passes out, it is to protect your body. Naturally, your body functions would slow down, whereas I could see that yours are still functioning perfectly fine with X-ray vision." The girl revealed her deduction, which made Metro shrug his shoulders. He could not possibly control his body functions unless it was through a skill or something.

"Now that I've shared my powers as a sign of goodwill, shouldn't you follow me now, Mr Serial Killer?" The girl's tone took an accusatory turn as she gestured for Metro to follow her.

Hearing her judgement of him, Metro doubles over in laughter, and stopped only when the girl's eye started to spark again. "Why would you think that I'm a serial killer?" Metro questioned the girl while smiling.

"You killed one of our tenants and that guy there," The girl pointed to the pile of white bones in the corner, "And you say that you're not a serial killer of some sort?"

"Oh well, the girl was rude to me, so I killed her. The guy tried to extort me, so I killed him. It's all fair game." Metro's grin extended to his cheeks as he talked about the deaths he caused. The deep satisfaction he did not know was hiding inside of him surfaced.

"So you're saying that you're not a serial killer, but a homicidal maniac. But you're a homicidal maniac with mutant powers, which is why I'm allowing you to have the opportunity to murder more people for him." The girl tried to give another shock to Metro, but this time, he grabbed the optic nerve before she could react and warned her, "Try that again and I will kill you this time."

The girl could feel the killing intent emanating from Metro, so she stopped, and Metro let go of the nerve. She started stomping off to somewhere, while the vile Metro followed her, walking behind leisurely while smiling.

"This despicable fellow, I will kill him one day!" The girl was immensely displeased with Metro's behaviour, and resolved to kill him as soon as he was of no use.