Teenage Devas (Part 6)

"Your base is situated outside of Undefeated High School? What a surprise." Metro commented as the girl pried open the gates. She was impervious to the electricity around it, and Metro followed her through the gates while it was open. Even though he had a few burns from the flying sparks, the wounds regenerated unusually quick.

"What, do you think we would dare to set up base inside the CEO's playground? We're not that stupid." The girl snapped back at Metro, before immediately closing her mouth with her hand. "You won't get anymore information out of me." She then reminded him fiercely.

"The CEO, huh? Too bad you won't reel me in with this." Metro could see through the girl's shallow acting straight away. If the leader of her organisation was really strong enough to create her, then he doubted that he would be so careless.

At the same time, he did not attack her for precisely these reasons, as she was surely protected by other mutants surrounding her. He did not know their abilities, and if they hanged up on him, he would be dead before he even knew it.

He had not even began to mention how they got through the school without being seen. Even though the girl had placed her eyes back in place, the large pores were constantly expanding and contracting. It was a scary sight that would evoke fear in a normal person.

He had purposely stomped his feet and flicked his fingers to make a few sounds, even cutting his finger at one point to see if it left a trail. The blood trail cleaned up automatically when they were around 3 meters away from it. As for the sounds, everyone around them was oblivious to everything they committed, not showing the slightest hint that something was wrong. Speaking of which, this was probably this god like ability that allowed the girl to sneak through undetected.

It was an ability that any assassin would want, which had made Metro worried. If this was the level of the abilities that the "monsters" mentioned in the scenario's description had, then it would be very difficult for him to deal with anyone that had more power than the foolish boy he had dealt with earlier.

After walking through the forested pathway, Metro and the girl finally arrived back in town. Time had passed by, and the sun was replaced by fluffy white clouds. Looking at the Death Clock, Metro could see that it had been shortened, but with the additional time from the girl and the boy, he had ended up with more time than he had before.

"Chaos Machima!" The girl suddenly yelled out random words, which caught Metro off guard, making him stop walking mid-step and fall on his back. Hearing Metro fall, the girl turned back and laughed at his sorry state.

"Aren't you supposed to be big and scary with that act just now? What's with you now?" The girl could not help but giggle mercilessly when she saw Metro's confusion on his face. She loved it the most when people who act tough showed moments of weakness.

With a mildly annoyed expression on his face, Metro stood up and ignored her bouts of laughter. Suppressing his fluctuating killing intent, he changed the expression on his face with a smile and suggested, "Shall we continue?"

"Right, right." The girl snickered one more time before she continued walking. As they continued to walk together, the girl headed to a tiny optometrist shop that was nearby. From the glass doors of the shop, it could be seen that there was no receptionist for the shop at all, which was very unusual since it was only the middle of the day.

While walking into the shop, Metro noticed that all the glasses that were being displayed listed the same company as the manufacturer, "Carnival". Raising his eyebrows for a bit, he then turned away from the glasses and looked at what the girl was doing. He now had some circumstantial evidence that might lead to the company, but the mysterious leader was still the biggest lead.

"Ah, there we go." The girl smashed a display case, and took out a pair of spectacles that was contained inside of it. Taking it out, she rested the spectacles on her ears, which fit snugly.

After putting the spectacles on, the girl nodded and talked to herself, "Yes, mmhmm, yeah." Following the chain of events, she threw the spectacles on the ground and crushed it to powder using her feet, which proved surprisingly powerful. Metro noted down that being a "monster" in the world also came with a boost in physical prowess.

The girl's face now took on a serious expression, as they exited the optometrist shop and headed for the jewellery shop. The jewellery shop also had nobody tending to it. Metro could not help but gulp down his saliva.

Just some minutes before when he was strolling through the town, there were shopkeepers that were diligently practicing their craft, but now it looked like a ghost town. It was as if the whole world had flipped and was now inverse.

Entering the jewellery store, Metro was struck by the dazzling lights from the numerous jewels embedded within necklaces and the like. There were signs advertising the silver and gold at 99.9% purity, and Metro breathed out upon seeing them. He could not help but think of how valuable they were in his previous life, when he had seen his co-workers slog out their guts just to buy a wedding ring.

"Safe, Open." A robotic voice came from the counter, where the girl appeared to have punched a few buttons. Metro looked towards the counter, anticipating the counter to open, but there were sounds of rumbling outside.

"Go outside. Our boss is waiting to meet you." The girl encouraged Metro to move outside. Metro heeded her advice and saw a large hidden passageway in the middle of the town's pathway. There was a metallic cover that dislodged the loose rocks which acted as the camouflage, while a flight of spiral stairs lead to an unknown location.

"Woahhh... it's a wonder this wasn't exposed earlier." Metro made a cynical remark about the hideout. They had gone through this whole process just for such a shabbily disguised lair. His expectations had been severely hammered.

Dipping his feet on the stairs, Metro made sure that it was not slippery, before he stepped onto the first step properly. The first step was extremely sturdy, and it also had the functions of an anti slip mat, locking Metro's shoes in place when he was not moving.

As Metro descended the spiral staircase, he counted three loops before he arrived at a heavily fortified door. The door moved open on its own when Metro moved close to it, letting Metro take a glimpse of the area inside.

This area was a library, but the bookcases could be called towers judging by how outrageously tall they were. Many random experiments with chemicals were conducted around the room, but at the center of the room, a youthful teenager typed rapidly on a computer.

"Oh, you've arrived. Well, welcome to the Mutant's Occupation, my name is the Mentor of Mutants, make yourself at home." The teenager continued to type endlessly while communicating with Metro at the door.