Meeting the crew

The week ended in a blink and now it was finally Saturday, the awaited day that would change my life!

The appointment time was 14:00, but I didn't want to be late so I made sure to arrive earlier, around 13:00, and decided to wait by the entrance to make sure I wouldn't miss them, though I thought that would be hard to happen considering B.B.'s look and build.

I sat by the bench located right next to the door, watching the people go and waited, and waited and waited, and waited....

"Maybe I should give him a call?"

2 hours passed and I got tired of waiting. I started thinking something went wrong or I got the wrong date so maybe I should give him a call to understand what was going on.

Just as I grabbed my phone and started dialing the numbers I heard two loud voices exiting the place.

"See? I told you some fancy pants wouldn't dare to show up! He even fainted from just seeing you! There is no way he will dare to come meet you again!"

"Man, give the boy a break. Maybe something happened. Who know? Before jumping to conclusions let me call him now and hear what he has to say."

"Stop it! Face the truth! That guy never intended to come! He just said yes because he was scared of you! I bet that if you asked a million dollars his answer would be the same! Now that I think about it, maybe you just lost a huge opportunity!"

"Oh, fuck off! I'm making the call now!"

(It can't be...right?)

Seconds later my phone started ringing and instead of answering it I just slapped my own face with the palm of my hand, got up from the bench and walked inside.

"Ugh...Hey B.B., how is it going, man?"

"Joel, you son of a b****, why are you so late!?"

"I have been waiting here at entrance since 13:00, you know?"

"What!? And we have been waiting all this time in the lodge!"

"How did you get in and I never saw you??"

"We got here way earlier than that. We arrived in the morning for the training routine we do every week. Well, whatever, we wasted enough time! Come in and present yourself to the crew! By the way, this one here is my brother Thomas. He will be your dancing partner, if you know what I mean."

"Hmm, sure, nice to meet you, Thomas, my name is Joel, please take care of me."

Thomas was a thinner version of his big brother. If B.B. was a muscle wall, Thomas was just a single wall pillar, way smaller than B.B. but just as tough as him.

"Joel, huh? So you are the fancy pants who fainted at my brother's sight. Man, you will have to have a lot more courage if you want to join the team. Before anything else, let me ask you straight, are you virgin or do you have some experience?"

(What the hell are you asking me, man!? Virgin!? Why do you even care!? Ugh! I wish I had the courage to spell half of these words...)

"Ugh...Well, I once had a girlfriend, but..."

Seeing that I had taken his phrase in the literal sense, Thomas took no time to correct himself.

"Who cares about your sexual life! I mean Dungeons, man! Have you ever for a real monster in your life!?"

"Oh, that! Yes I did. I already told B.B. so I thought you already know but I killed a couple giant wolf puppies with my own handmade Titan."

"Puppies, you say? What the hell!? Those pets never walk alone! What happened to their mom!?"

"She chased me though half the city until she got stuck in a tunnel and the guards arrive."

"Hahahahahaha! Now that's one damn story! I bet you appeared on the news!"

"There were some rich people involved so they tried to cover up the event. I doubt it reached the news, but who knows?"

"What, that mean..."

"Yeah, they paid to keep my mouth closed and even sent me all the way here."

""Then is it okay for you to be telling us this?"

"Why not? It's not like I said their name or anything. As long as you don't look into it, you will never know. And if you do, you will have to deal with them, not me."

"...Sounds like you are throwing a time bomb in our hands."

"As well as the detonator so you can explode anytime you wish."

As I was conversing with Thomas, the three of us arrived at their training room where a punk boy and girl were making out.

"Elise, Mike, do that in a love hotel. This place's hour is too expensive for that! We still got one more hour, let's not waste it!"

"Sure, boss..."

"Boooring! Should I present some friend for you, B.B.? I can list a few who wanted to know your taste."

"Little Girl, I know all your friends and none of them has half of what it takes to satisfy me! Now stop the jokes and hurry to the cockpit!"

"Suuuuure! B.B. the mighty! Whatever, you are the one who is losing your chance!"

I could feel my ear heating up and my face turning red. Good God, I never had such a crude talk with a girl before! Is this how things go over here!? I will never get used to that!

"Don't mind, don't mind. You machine is the last one. You know what to do, right? Then get in quickly!"

Lightly tapping my shoulder, Thomas pointed me to the last simulator and proceeded to his own machine.

After entering the machine and booting it up, I selected the lan mode and quickly joined the sole available room.

"Now that we are all here, what mode should we play first?"

""Dungeon mode!""

As if everything was planned beforehand, everybody answered the same at the same time.

[Dungeon Mode selected!]

[Loading Random Dungeon Simulation!]

Hearing B.B.'s question and their answer on the voice chat, my heart started to quicken as my anxiety grew. To stop my feeling from getting out of control I slapped my own face with both my hands and then grabbed the controls again and focused on the screen.

"All right! Let's do our best!"

As the loading bar was filled up and the screen come to a close, my first training with the Bloody Wolves Team began.