Chapter 14: Nimia's secret

Today Asiya is very happy. Holding Anmatre's hand she runs towards the gate of the palace. Pharaoh is now panting. He pulls the hand of his queen and tells her to stop.

"Stop Asiya and be slow. You will be hurt."Pharaoh requests her.

Asiya smiles at him.She sends for her family a good news. The messenger who carries her news himself knows the news for the first time. He is happy to know that another Pharaoh is there. Egypt will have her new heir to throne.

Asiya does not know the messenger, she never saw him before. And he is also not important for our story. Yet his happiness touches the queen of Egypt so much that she can not control her own happiness. She knows that the people of Egypt love her very much. This hapiness of the unknown messenger is a small reflection of the love of the Egyptian people for their Queen.

The messenger goes to Namni's house. Namni is sick. So he can not attend the court since his daughter's marriage. When the great news reaches to their house, Vizier Namni is relieved from the ailment. He has his new life.

Every members of the Namni family now goes to the palace. When they reach there, a herald sees them. He runs to his queen to give her the great news of her family's arrival. As a result. Asiya runs there to welcome her family holding Pharaoh's hand.

Every servants enjoy this running. They smile at their Pharaoh and Queen. Pharaoh shouts at her to be slow.

"Asiya! Please be slow. You will hurt yourself, me and the child." Pharaoh yells at her.

Then he stops her by pulling her hand and she stops. They are not at the gate. Because Namni and the rest of the family members are already there.

The queen starts to weep to see her family. Her father wipes her tears. But he can not stop his.

Together they sit for a momemt. The servants of the palace entertain them. Asiya is sitting beside her mother. Minata notices her. She notices how beauiful her daughter becomes at this period.

Asiya is now with her sisters, enjoying the beautiful evening. She notices that Aasar crosses the place and then she notices a totally diffferent thing. That her sister, Nimia also stares at Aasar. She keeps staring at the man, the commander of Egypt. But when Nimia finds that her sister also notices her she averts her gaze. But despite her being innocent, her elder sister understands everything.

Asiya decides that she must discuss with Pharaoh about this matter. So when everybody sits to have some fresh air in the garden, she drags Anmatre to a corner.

Anmatre is surprised by this attitude of his wife.

"What is wrong with you? Why are dragging me all the day from one place to another." Anmatre fakes to become angry.

"Shhh! There is something between Aasar and Nimia. I have noticed them." Asiya whispers in Pharaoh's ear.

"What? Are you serious?" Pharaoh asks. His smile is broaden from ear to ear."I mean, do you know that is true?"

"I suppose, Pharaoh. But I am not sure." Asiya replies.

"That will be wonderful..."Pharaoh trails off.

Because he notices Aasar coming toward them.

"My Pharaoh!" He calls out to Anmatre.

"Yes! Aasar, what can I do for you?" Anmatre asks him.

"Pharaoh, I need a leave from my duty." He tells. "For a few hours." He adds.

"You are granted the leave you seek. But at least tell me what the cause is."

Phataoh asks him.

Aasar only stares at him with a frown.

"What?"Pharaoh rises one of his eyebrows at him."Don't frown at me that way? And answer me!"

Aasar remains silent. At this, Anmatre has fun. He asks his friend, "Why are you silent? Aasar! Wait let me guess the cause for your taking leave at this hour." Pharaoh tells looking and smiing at Asiya. "I think our commamder has someone to pass his time with. Am I right, Aasar?" He looks back at Aasar.

Aasar is now at trouble. He curses someone in his mind. Now he tells Anmatre, " I have none to spend time with."

"Not a single girl! Commander? I am sorry." Pharaoh fakes to be in a sorrowful state.

Then all is revealed. Nimia calls Aasar. And hearing her voice Aasar gives a little jump. Anmatre laughs loudly. Asiya tries to suppress her laugh.

When Nimia finds out that her secret is not revealed she runs after Aasar with a stick in her hand, yelling from behind him,"I will send you to hell. Comnander of Egypt! Why are you so stupid to not even stand before my brother in law,and my sister? I told you to reveal about our secret relationship to them. And you ruin it by your own stupidity? What shall I do with such a stupid man?"

This would go for a few moments if Pharaoh would not stop Nimia.