Chapter 9

After looking at the garden for a few seconds, I started to question if there was more to the resets and the cause, if there was more to it, if the garden was really like this because of the resets or if he just lied about the gardens wellbeing these past years.

No, wait, that doesn't make sense either, the last party at this palace was 2 years ago, so it can't be that he's lying, so then, what is happening with the garden? As I got up off the ground, I watched the king walk down the unkept path to the center structure, and sit down on part of the podium.

"I just kinda wish i knew more about what has been happening in my kingdom." he said with a sad face, looking out past the back gates and to the forest, I could tell he didn't really understand the reset as much as me or my friends, including his son. Then I realized, does he remember the child? Walking over the the structure, i looked up at the thinking about the face to the monster there,

" So there is something to this, a child, me and my friends think they have something to do with this," I said trying not to sound dumb. He looked at me with a face of disbelief and sort of irritation,

"A child? I highly doubt a child here could do anything like this." he said knowly,

"No sir, I didn't mean a monster, they look human."

He looked at me with a face more surprised, but it was obvious he was getting mad,

"A human child? But they have left us in the underground for hundreds of years, Why now has one come down here, let alone a child?"

He said standing up, looking at me making me feel a little less confident about this,

"I am not quite sure about it either, but what i heard from my friends is that they end up fighting you each time." this seemed to confused him as his face turned from slight anger to confusion,

"I... I don't remember that, I don't remember anything from the past 7 resets."

He said, starting to sit down again, slightly slouching.

I started to relax a little turning so my body faced the king.

"It's all fuzzy and feels like a dream." he said again, raising a hand to his head.

"So you don't remember at all, like most of the monsters, but at the same time you know it's happening, that makes no sense."

I said trying to think about how else this could work,

"It was almost like being in a coma but still feeling everything, looking at something and knowing it's changed but not how or when." he said, making me realize he's probably right.

"So the memories must have been pulled from your mind, that makes more sense but still doesn't explain a lot." I started connecting things in my head, like the note I wrote my roommate before the reset on reset 4, telling him about it but then it's not there the next morning, something changes but you push it away thinking it's not relevant.

" Oh my, it is getting late, i didn't notice," the king said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at my watch and saw it was 9pm.

"Oh geez, i think my roommate will be home by now, i should probably go." I said as the king got up and started to walk back toward the door as I started to follow him.

"Well, I guess I will talk to you at another time, for now, Goodbye." the king said slightly bowing as I bowed and started toward the front to exit.

"Yes, if you need anything, please tell me or my friends, Goodbye." I said , walking out the door as I walked back to the path. That was an eventful visit. I started walking back in the direction of the falls when the butterphant popped out of my pocket and climbed into my shoulder,

"Hey, you ready to go home, still need dinner." I said, he looked at me and totted in agreement. The walk home was uneventful, expect the thought that the king might call me again, not that i hate it, it's just he could talk to friends instead, they know more about this than me, i tried to stay out of this as much as possible but finding out about the human child made my think i could help, i mean humans did fear dragons, before the war, before the humans caught me and clipped off my wings, before being forced underground to live as a degraded hero.

'Jeez, get a hobby' i thought to myself

I walked up the driveway to the door and opened it, yup he's home.