Now I'm sure you've read the stories where the good guy beats the bad guy, and that good guys always win. Well this is not that story. And I am not the bad guy.
Well I guess what is evil really? Just the same as beauty it can be seen many different ways. Evil is not what I am. But the label that I have been given. And I may or may not deserve it. I'll leave that up to you. I work for an association called the S.W.O.R.D no clue what it stands for and I really don't care. Skilled Warriors Of something I think.
S.W.O.R.D. is a world wide league of highly skilled assassins, that will do any job for the right price. And when someone like me joined, the name S.W.O.R.D. became so well known that cops have finally began to look into us. And if your wondering who some like me is, let me give a little back story.
"Hey new guy!" Some sleez who we call Ranger called to me. Even though I was new almost everyone knew my reputation by this point. "Dude don't you know who that is?" People began to whisper harshly. At this point I have yet to have a name. But I'm set on one. Annoyingly enough police had started calling me the red demon. I'd have to change that soon.
"Ranger," I said using a cold and often described as a terrifying deep sharp voice. I could see the chills it sent down a few people's spines. It was quite humorous. "Wait your not the red de- I'm not the red demon. That's what the police call me. I prefer black angel. Something they will soon know." I cut him off before he even dared to speak the name Red Demon. Such a vile name really. "Doesn't that mean angel of death?" Someone whispered. "Yea a grim reaper," a second voice whispered. "Quite fitting don't you think?" I chuckled sending even more chills down their spines.
"So what exactly did you want Ranger?" I asked. "N-nothing!" He said with an unsteady voice. "So you simply wasted my time?!" This entire time my voice had begun to sound angrier but my face remained unchanged, with a smile and one raised eyebrow. Showing that I questioned his every move.
"No! I just wanted to know who you w-were! But now I know," I could see sweat rolling down his fat bald head. "Well then off I go. Be careful next time you talk to a stranger. They may not be quite so forgiving," I turned around back to the bar. "What may I get you Mr. Black?" That was another name I often went by.
"Poison for Mr. Ranger?" I joked. "Sorry sir. You'll have to do that on your own," I nodded. "Okay, I might have to he's quite annoying." I chuckled showing my sharp pearly white teeth. "at least be discrete about it sir," The man on the other side smiled. "Of course Julian. Aren't I always?"
*flashback end*
Damnit. I thought as a call from my boss appeared on my phone. I was really quite enjoying my time alone. "Sir?" I answered. "Black you have a job offer," he said. "How much?" I asked referring to the pay. "One million." Of course I will agree. But first, "what's the job?" I asked. "You have to team up with an assassin named Clay, and take down a cop. Her name is Alex Murphy." I sighed but agreed. "Okay." I hung up the phone. Why was she worth so much? One cop?
I pulled in my black cloak. Yes basic cloak. But there's a reason it's basic. It allows me to blend into the darkness better and the shape of my body will be hidden.
I walked out the door of my house locking it behind me placing my key deep into the dirt beneath the rocks lining my house. Can't risk my key falling and the wrong person finding it. Instead of driving I searched for Clay by roof top. He too adorned a black cloak. Then we spotted her. Based on a picture I had seen of her. But something the picture neglected to show was the color of her eyes.
I have inhuman night vision. This is no brag, but I can see the color of her light brown hair and pale-ish skin. But most of all her shining purple eyes. Clay seemed to not care and or know what that meant and began to lunge for her. With a smile of my sharp teeth I jumped on top of him, slamming in into the ground on the alley way not far from her. "What the hell Black?!" He groaned. "There's a reason you didn't show me her eyes isn't there? The boss knew what I know!" I growled before taking my blade and shoving it through his chest. Not caring enough to actually get an answer as Murphy was approaching.
I pulled his small dagger and slit my cheek in a little. Leaving behind the brown clay coloured ink that lined it. His signature weapon. And I left behind my signature that I left at all of my kills. A black feather. Tucking it into his cloak for it to later be discovered.
"Hello?!" The woman shouted. She peered into the ally, her body was small and thin. Her thick wavy hair was held up into a low ponytail behind her head. "Hello," I responded. She jumped a bit. "Who are you?!" She asked fumbling for her flashlight. "Well you like to call me-" she shined her light on me, my face was covered by now, with a mask and blood of Clay. So was a lot of my body, it appeared I hit an artery as blood got everywhere.
"Your-red demon." I finished my sentence that she had rudely interrupted. She started chasing after me. Foolish really. She followed me quite well for an amateur up the building to the roofs. She struggled chasing me on the buildings. But then I got quite a bright idea.