
It was dark out I was doing my final nightly patrol before heading home. But suddenly I heard a loud thud. I slowly walked towards the noise. I could hear talking. "What the hell Black?!" Black? Wait no. That couldn't be. Black was another name of the newest member of the S.W.O.R.D. but more importantly the most dangerous. The rest of the conversation became a blur because all I could focus on was the name Black. A strange noise came from the ally. I picked up my pace. As I reached the corner of the ally I called out.

"Hello?" I called. Of course I didn't really expect an answer. "Hello," the voice that answered was truly terrifying. It sent chills down my entire body sending me off balance. "Who are you?!" I asked as I struggled for my flashlight. "I'm who you like to call-" I shined my light on him. What took me by surprise was not the blood. I expected that. But it was that he seemed thin. Not skinny. But he was slim, definitely not what I expected of the red demon. "Your-red demon." He took the words right from my mouth.

I struggled to follow after him as he scaled the building. And I certainly knew that once we got up on the roofs there was no way I'd catch him. But suddenly he stopped. Only for an instance. But enough for me to catch him. I tackled him on the roof top. "Got you!" I said too him. He smiled at me. Why did he smile? His teeth were unnervingly sharp. Did he file them or something. "Yes you did Murphy," he chuckled. How does he know my name?

"How do you know me?!" I asked as I pulled out my radio to alert the chief. "You were Clay and I's target." He smirked. "Clay? The dead guy?" I asked pulling my radio into my hand. He nodded. "Chief it's important! Get a car! And backup! I got red demon!" For the first time I felt him struggle slightly beneath me. That's when I noticed he wasn't trying to escape at all.

"They're on they're way!" I told him. "Exciting!" He said with a large smile. Even though I couldn't make out the features of his face I could see his intimidating smile. He wasn't even being sarcastic. Normally when people are sarcastic it looks the same as a lie. But it looked like he was genuinely excited. What was with this dude?! Suddenly sirens sounded. I Flipped him onto his back and placed handcuffs on his wrists. A few cops came up and helped me bring him down to the cars.

Once they were in the car it was me and my chief in the front and he was cuffed in the back. "So coppos," he chimed in happily. "What is it red demon?!" The chief snarled. "You just assume I'm him?" He chuckled. "You admitted it to me!" I jumped in. "I prefer the name Black Angel, much more suiting don't you think?" I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"You won't make it back out on the streets again to be called that!" The chief laughed. "Really?" He asked placing his hands on either side of the gate separating us. "What the hell?!" He escaped his hand cuffs. "You see I only let you capture me because I needed to relay that message. So if you promise to from now on to call me The Black Angel I promise I won't kill you when I escape this car," he tried negotiating. And normally it wouldn't have worked but he wasn't lying.

"Right whatever," the chief shrugged it off. "I would a agree if I were you. Because you'll die if you don't." My eyes widened. I could barely breath at this point. When someone says something about the future it always looks like a lie. But it didn't. He was telling the truth somehow. "Chief please just agree he's not lying!" I said frantically. "I would listen to her. She knows when people lie," he chuckled. Was he serious? Did he know?

"Fine whatever you psycho!" The chief laughed still not taking him seriously. "I'll hold you to it, and your welcome Murphy. Clay was gonna kill you if not for me" suddenly I heard a rip. I looked back behind us, a rip appeared in the roof. And he was gone. But still. He didn't lie about saving me either. But it was at that moment I realized even though we got his mask off, it was so dark we hadn't even gotten a good look at his face. As he refused to look at us when we tried shining out lights on him. And we figured we'd get to do it later. We were wrong. And we still are left with very little on what the infamous now to be known as the Black Angel really looked like.

Just when we thought it was over. We had lost him that was it, he jumped in front of our car. We didn't even have to put the breaks on. He stopped it with his bare hands. "Keep your promise! Or not only you but Lisa will pay Mr. Whitmore!" He growled. Still she could see his pearly white smile. The chiefs eyes widened. Lisa was the name of his 22 yr old daughter.

"What the hell is that guy?!" The chief slammed his palms against the steering wheel as Black's pearly white smile disappeared into the darkness. "An angel of death." I muttered quietly to myself. From what I saw his eyes were golden and I couldn't tell what color his hair was because of the darkness. But it was a dark color. That was all I knew.

*the next day*

"This is a son of an old friend," the chief introduced him to me. He had shining blue eyes and deep brown hair. And square-ish glasses that were a similar color. He looked kinda geeky but kinda cute. He was slim, but didn't look entirely week either. After all he was detective. "Nice to meet you, I'm Alex Murphy," I held out my hand. He smiled without showing his teeth, but didn't take my hand. "Sorry not much touchy touchy person." He chuckled a bit. His voice was kind and oddly soothing. "Nice to meet you too. The name is Flynn Ezinburg,"