
I heard a shout! I don't know what it was. I pulled out my gun and got out of the car. Prepared for the worst. But not even 50 seconds later Flynn came out with Ranger frantically trying to escape. Which surprisingly enough didn't even seem to have any effect on him. It was like it was easy to control a man twice his size. When he looked at me he noticed the gun.

He smiled. And not the way he had before. He showed his teeth. Not that I could really see them from the distance we had between us. "Challenging me to a dual my first day on the job?" He snickered. I instinctively dropped my gun. Not sure why but his smile and words sent chills down my spine. "N-no! I just heard a shout! And I wasn't sure what it was," I stuttered a bit as I reached for my gun. "Well I think it would be quite exciting to have a dual with you. After all you have quite the reputation Detective Murphy." His smile lessened closing his his lips over his teeth.

As he got got closer to the car he handed me his glasses. "What's this for?" I asked him. "I don't want them to break. Just in case he manages a hit," he chuckled. "And that's supposed to mean Flynn?! What are you gonna do?" I asked. "Well I ought to search him for weapons or anything of the sort. Requiring both of my hands. And for all I know he's out of his cuffs." And as Flynn released his grip. He was right. Ranger flared both of his hands. He had used the classic paper clip. Which though it doesn't usually work with enough skill it's possible.

Ranger swung his fist at Flynn. I could barely see Flynn's reaction. That's how quick it was. He actually grabbed Ranger's fist and threw Ranger to the ground. "I may be a newbie Ranger. But don't doubt me," I couldn't see Flynn's face at the time. He was looking down at Ranger. But Ranger literally began to shake. As fear coursed through him. Flynn looked back up at me. He put his hand out. "Glasses please?" Something I noticed was ever since Flynn took off his glasses he refused to look at me. I couldn't see his eyes. I handed him his glasses. "Wait but what if he still has weapons?" I asked. "He doesn't. Trust me." I did trust him he didn't lie. But does that mean he managed to check Ranger already?

"Anyway. I would like to have dual with you. Hand to hand. It'll be fun," he smiled kindly again as he forcefully shoved Ranger into the car. It made me wonder. If this was him in a seemingly happy and content mood, what was he like when he was angry? I wondered but figured it was better I don't try to find out.

"Yes. It will be fun. Watching you get your ass kicked!" This earned a laugh from him. I really don't doubt I can beat him. "It will be fun. When I take you down in less than...hmmm...three maybe four minutes," he shrugged. Taking a moment. As if analyzing exactly how the battle would go.

"You think you can beat me?" I asked him as he got in the passenger seat. "I've seen you fight. But I won't spoil everything yet," he laughed. "Okay, but that confidence won't get you anywhere," I started to drive back to the station.

Finally we were in the room we use for combat training. Just us. "Aren't you gonna take off your glasses?" I asked. "But then it wouldn't even take me a minute to take you down. But if you wish it," he took off his glasses. "Whatever," I shrugged it off. He chuckled. He placed his glasses on a table near the corner of the room. For once he looked me in the eyes with his stunning blue ones.

He dragged his hand through his hair moving his messy hair from his line of sight. "I'll let you make the first move, after all its your specialty. Surprise attacks right?" He laughed. But I ran at him. I simply decided I would punch him. He dodged. So quick I didn't even see him move. He was behind me, I knew this because one arm was suddenly wrapped around my neck the other pinning my arms down.

Normally it would be fairly simple to escape even with someone larger than me by a lot. But him, he wasn't much taller and was barely if at all wider than me. And yet I couldn't pry my way out. "Now I'll give you a second chance as that was no fun at all," he laughed. He released me. "That was just my warm-up Flyyn!" I realized that I would actually have to try in order to beat him.

I pretended to lunge for him assuming he would react. He didn't. Damn. "Okay I'll stand still for you. How's that?" I couldn't believe this. He thought he'd have to stand still. "No!" I swung at him even so he dodged with apparent ease. I kicked. He jumped several feet into the air, holy shit. I swung another punch. This one he caught but let go as he moved. "All you got Murphy?" He laughed. "What the?!" I said running out of breath slightly.

Punch after punch kick after kick. Finally he caught my hand. But this time he didn't release. He squeezed it tightly, and turned his body and as he did he pulled my arm. I expected him to throw me to the ground, like he did with Ranger. He simply made me stumble a bit. "Silly. I never planned on either of us getting hurt! That would jeopardize our task!" He said referring the S.W.O.R.D. "I really just wanted to see how close you could get. You would most likely have hit me at least once with my glasses though, after all you were fairly close. Once." He smiled, with closed lips.

This dude was insanely talented. "Dude! Your insane!" I joked. "Its a label I have been given," he said in what I assume is a joke. "This was somewhat fun, but you've only been a cop for a few years so I'll give you that," my jaw dropped. "And you haven't even been one for a year," I countered. "Yes but I've been training since I was nine." He shrugged walking over to grab his glasses.

"So why do your glasses slow you down?" I asked. Noticing how he mentioned I would have gotten at least one hit in it he had them on. And in a way he seemed a different person once they were off. "Oh it's nothing really," he turned and smiled at me. "It was nice to get an assessment of your strength," he rubbed the back of his head 'nervously'

"And I think I may have of you," I smiled too. "Not even close Murphy." As he said this I hoped he was joking. But honesty I couldn't tell. "Sorry for being so intense. It's not often I get to fight like this," he pushed up his glasses adjusting them. Something has been bugging me about him. Not once had he spoken a lie or a joke. Even in times when what he said should have appeared like a lie. It didn't. I just have to be sure. "Flynn, tell me a lie."