
"Flynn, tell me a lie." I did my best not to laugh. "My skin is the same color as the grass," I could see her eyes track something as I spoke. I'm assuming it was her spotting my lie. "Ok sorry," she laughed. "I just don't lie to you Murphy. It wouldn't do me any good anyway," I shrugged. "I'm glad your so honest Flynn."

This was something I really found quite humorous. I had to try extra hard to not laugh. Saying I don't lie, in itself is a lie. I lie all the time. Just not to her.

"That's what partners do right?" We both sat back down at our desks. "How bad she get ya Ezinburg?" Another cop asked. "You should ask her that," I chuckled. "Wait? No." Andy, the cop gasped. "Yea, it happened." She said with a sigh. "Wow rookie. Guess we better look out for ya," I find it comical that I've gotten a very similar reputation here and at S.W.O.R.D.

"Yo Murphy!" One of the cops called out. "What is it Louis?!" She called back. "Chief gotta lead for ya!" She nodded and pulled out her hair to re-do it up tighter. "What's the lead?" She asked entering the chiefs office. I followed closely behind. "It's on Black. The one who wrecked out car," he sighed with frustration. At this point I had to enter room. I sat next to her in one of the two chairs in front of his desk.

"What's the lead?" I asked. "His real name," I'm not gonna lie. I couldn't hold back a small laugh. "What's so funny Flynn? That bastard ruined one of our cars!" I took a deep breath. I noticed Alex began to pay very close attention to me. She was watching for a lie.

"I think it's a bit, audacious to say you have his real name. And if you have his address. I'm betting he already knows. And we both know his reputation, if you know his real name your as good as dead." At this point I said this with the threat behind my voice. Because if he did know my name he knew it was me. This way he wouldn't dare to speak it aloud.

"This is no laughing matter Flynn!" The chief barked. "I'm sorry sir. It just caught me off guard." I sighed. "Well what do you think his name is? Do you have an address?" I asked. "Well we think his name is Clark, and actually we have an address." This made me smile. Clark was the real name of bullseye. The archer.

Too bad though. I'm somewhat fond of him. I mean he's actually not to bad of a guy. If you don't hold he's a murderer to him. "I'm sorry Murphy I won't be able to attend you on this mission. You see Black and I have a mixed history, and I would only screw things up." I told her sincerely. "Flynn. It's okay, you don't have to tell me," she saw I was lying. This was time where lying and the way I phrased it made sense. And didn't draw attention to me. I'm fact most people wouldn't have been honest.

We got the address. I 'went home' and she went to the house. Although I only went home to get my cloak. Even though it isn't even close to night it still disguises me decently.

She knocked on the door. I was already inside. She purposely didn't announce she was a cop. I had Bullseye pinned beneath my foot. "Come in!" I forced him to say. She pushed open the door. Of course she saw me. All the lights were out and the light from outside didn't do much once I very quickly shut the door, then raced back to Bullseye with inhuman speed. "Black?!" She said with fear in her pretty purple eyes. I purposely hid my eyes leaving only my toothy grin for her to see.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" She shouted holding a gun to me. I picked up Bullseye and threw him into the kitchen. "Well I know you thought that whoever that poor man is was me," I said this defending bullseye's identity. "Because my name is not Clark and this is not my home. I couldn't let you come in here traumatizing the innocent man," I chuckled. "Stop lying! And tell me why your really here!" She demanded. "To see you Murphy!" I approached her. We were now very close to each other. But the house was so dark I figured she most likely couldn't see much. If anything at all.

"Why me?!" She pressed her gun to my chest. "Aren't you going to shoot me?" I asked, baiting her. "I'll give you three seconds." I laughed pulling my hand inwards to reach for my sword. Well katana. But I just call it a sword. Ironic I think.

"Three, two" the entire time she stood silently. Her face showed clearly she couldn't decide. "One." As I said one she pulled the trigger. But I expected this. I easily dodged it swooping behind her pulling my blade tightly to her throat. "How did you do that?!" She asked. "Did you seriously think I'd let you shoot me? But I'm here to talk to you. But not here. So come with me," I told her. "Why would I do that?!" She snarled. "Because if you don't everyone at your station will pay the consequences. In fact Flynn isn't at home right now. Thanks to me," this was no lie. I find it kinda funny toying with her like this.

"Fine. Just let Flynn go." I could feel her heart beat pick up pace even at the mention of my name spoken my who she thought wasn't the same person but rather the Black Angel. "He'll be back at work tomorrow unharmed." I told her. She relaxed a bit. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Somewhere," I wasn't about to tell her anything about the location. I would be taking her to my base. It's a secluded cave in a forest hidden by vines. It's easy enough for me to get there, it holds all my weapons and medical supplies.

"Night." I said as regrettably I rushed to be in front of her and slammed the back of her head into the wall. Just hard enough to knock her out she'd be fine in an hour. About the time it would take to get there there with her on foot. Now, it was time to discuss my plans with her. To kill the boss.