The Thousand Thoughts of Anxious Youth

The graduates filed out of the graduation hall. Stampedes of people trampled everything in their way. Xiao did her best to navigate through the sea of bodies.

As Xiao emerged from the stampede, she looked desperately for Ling.

A familiar hand finally grabbed Xiao's, "Yue!" Xiao exclaimed, "I looked all over and I couldn't find you and..."

She was cut off by a kiss from Ling. It was quite brief, but incredibly relieving, "Yue," Xiao started. However, her attention was immediately caught by the faces of her parents in her peripherals. Her blood ran cold. How much had they seen? How much did they know? She hadn't even finalized her plans to move out yet, would she have to speed it up? Every thought raced through her head all at once.

However, all that came of it was a small bow from her parents, and a, "Thank you for taking care of our daughter,"