Treasured Friendships

"Look," Bai stated, "As I said before, I don't care that you like women, or that you're dating Classmate Xiao Lin, I just thought we were close enough for you to tell me these things,"

Ling stiffened, then heaved a sigh, "We are close, you're my best friend, I didn't want a friendship I value so much ruined over something like this,"

Bai furrowed her brow, "How could that be? How could you think I'm that awful that something like this would ruin a friendship with me? We're friends, I don't care who you like, or what you do... Just keep me in the loop,"

Ling nodded, "Alright, I will... I'm sorry for not letting you know sooner,"

Bai giggled," There, now that's behind us,"

"That's it?" Ling replied.

"Yeah, that's how friendship works,"