Chapter 1:The familiar face.


"Yes mommy,I'll be getting home soon.Im literally five blocks away." I said to my lovely mother.

"okay sweetheart,hurry up.It's getting dark outside. " She said,her voice sounding worried.

"Okay see you just now,Bye." I said.

"Alright, love you."

"love you too mommy." I said and hung up the call.

I decided to speed up my pace to get home quickly. I was on my way from the library just seven blocks away from my house. I was with my bestfriend,Taylor.We were completing our assignment that was due that week.

As I was walking,I had a feeling that someone was following me.I slowly slowed down my pace but not daring to look back.The street was empty, no kids playing outside,no cars passing and definitely no dogs barking around. The whole street had a peculiar feeling that had me extremely, alarmed.

Since it was getting dark,everything was also vague I was afraid that I could trip and fall because I was in a hurry and scared. Then suddenly, a car flashed its lights from behind me.The lights were directly flashed at me.

My breathing became rapid.My feet speeded in a swift. My palms became sweaty. My heart throbbed swiftly. My mind froze.My eyes filled with tears.I was terrified .

I swallowed my fear and stopped. Slowly, I turned around. My eyes came in contact with luminous lights that made my wet eyes blink a few times.I used my hands to prevent them from blinding me.

All of the sudden,the lights went off.I could see a tall Male figure looking directly at me.I could see his face clearly.

because he had the inside lights on.The car was black and it's structure was of a Jeep.It was just 10 meters away from where I was standing.

And then I saw him pulling what seemed to look like a balaclava, down on his face.That was it,I had to do something.

I ran.

I kept looking back as I did and it was following me.

I ran even faster.

My breathing was quick,my throat was arid.Tears uncontrollably streamed down my fears.I cried so hard but didn't stop. Just five minutes away from arriving home,I no longer couldn't keep up.

My feet started to wiggle and became of a jelly.I stopped, tried catching my breath because I was tired and scared.I looked back and the car was driving slowly to my direction. I started hyperventilating and the last word I said was..


Then I collapsed.



Im Zoey Katherine from London but currently living at the busy beautiful city, NEW YORK. I'm 18 years old and currently working at a small yet beautiful coffee shop. I'm studying Law and its hard having to stay at an apartment while my mother is back home,sick. My big brother,25 year old Scott Katherine is the one paying my school fees. He's a mechanical engineer back in London and is a young independent man.He has no kids at all but has a fiance. So surely, I'm going to be an aunt soon.

After the day that I was being followed and collapsed, I never remembered anyone. Including my own mother and brother. I was greatly, traumatized. But two years later, I got healed. And now,I'm better. It was never easy having to go outside my home because every man that passed my house, driving a black car just traumatized me.Tears would just fall down my face having to remember that day.

I've never dated till today.I fear men,I get easily scared of just seeing their faces. I always wonder what would've happened if my neighbor didn't run outside and took me inside her home.

What would've happened if the beard man caught me?

Would I still be living today?Was he sent to kill me or worse kidnap and rape me.


That's what has been on my mind ever since.Could've I been raped at the age of 16 years old?My virginity and health. They could've all gone through a terrible torturing situation.

Still chewing over my sad terrible memories, someone entered the shop. I looked up from my till to see a tall Male figure coming straight to my till.As soon as he stopped in front of my till,I froze.

Reflections of what happened two years ago came swiftly in my head. My mind just went blank and my heart throbbed faster.

His face looked familiar.

"Hello??" A deep,yet sweet voice brought me back to reality.