Chapter 2 : A Deal Offered To The Katherines

I blinked quite a few time before my mind came back into reality .Scared for my eyes to dive into those forest green eyes, they casted on the till.

'Sorry, what can I get you?' my voice was barely audible.


The experience I had two years ago tormented me since then.Glimpsing at a man had me living on my nerves for as long as I could've remembered.The past week had been quite wearing, horrendous really. The store had been busy and tons of school assignments chased me around,I just needed to take a breath honestly.

I sat down on my desk, opened my diary and turned the pages until I came to a clean one and started writing.


At the top of the page I wrote,


Sitting back in the chair, staring at the innocent wall,my mind raced.Seeing that man's face terrified me!

'I have to cease thinking about the past.And start focusing on the future. I don't have a choice, I have a new life to live. I must be strong and if possible,be forgetful of the past.' I told myself as I went deep into pondering.

Closing my eyes,I placed my arms on the desk and rested my head on them,my mind still racing,thoughts evolving in my fertile brain. Before I could ponder any deeper, there was a light knock on the door,and it flew to admit Scott. My dearest brother.

"Am I disturbing you?"Asked Scott.

I shook my head and gave him a tide smile. "No,not at all big brother."

The sun was streaming in through the windows,bathing me in shimmering light and the vividness of my colouring was shown off to my glorious Auburn hair shot through with gold,my perfect English complexion, so fair and milky white and my finely-wrought features of the KATHERINE.

I considered myself to be the center of attention where ever I went, I was effortlessly beautiful.

"I always wonder what could have occurred if Annelia did not rush me into her home that day." I blurted out,thinking about the past.

Annelia was the neighbor who rescued me.I told her that I will forever be indebted to her and that's the truth.

"All that is over now sis,don't dwell on it.Nothing bad happened and we have the Lord to thank at that.Nothing like what almost happened will ever repeat itself,trust me." Scott said reassuringly.

"And I aim to forget all about it and focus on my new life."I said in a voice full of power.

"That's my girl." Scott said happily and I smiled back.

"So," I started,"to what do i SERIOUSLY own this visit?" I asked,getting comfortable on the chair.

"Well," Scott suddenly cleared his throat."Can we grab a drink while I tell you what exactly is on my mind?"

"O....kay...." I said with raised, curious eyebrows.

We then went to the bar and sat down with our glasses.

"So what's up?" I asked,taking a sip of my red expensive wine.

"I received a call yesterday. " Scott blubbered out eventually, taking a sip of his scotch.

I gave him my full attention, staring deeply into his oceanic eyes.

"Well,a man named Xander Vincenzo manged to get hold of me and offer me some deal." He said.

'Xander Vincenzo?' I asked myself. 'I have heard of that name before, he is like the richest young popular guy from Russia. Apparently he owns tons and tons of companies, worldwide. He offers a huge amount of money to various charities every month and helps the ones in need.I once

read a newspaper article about how good-hearted he is towards the poor and apparently that's what made me fall in love with him. Yes,he is the same guy I always had wet dreams about and wished to really meet him in person. He has a well-built muscular body,he's a bit tall,verdant eyes,curly hair,and a hot Russian accent. I once heard him being interviewed on the radio, I immediately dampened my panties as soon as he uttered a salutation in his language. But one thing I loathed was the fact that he was quite a good player. Changing woman like his toys. He had tons of cars and not just any cars,the GERMANS. He had no girlfriend or whatsoever, apparently he did not believe in the word 'LOVE.' All he did was have one stands and move on with life like everything is fine.What about the poor girls?I mean,Some of us actually want to have a real,long-lasting thing.Although my fear for men has become a norm feeling, there was just this thing about Xander. Like he was not a man,so different.With his sharp nose and his black well-taken care off beard and.....wait!!BEARD?'

My mind suddenly becomes rapid with curiosity and tons of questions. I quickly snap my eyes at my brother who was as shocked to see my shocked face.

"It's him!" I almost shouted.

Scott raised a curious eyebrow,"Who?" he questioned.

"The guy who visited the store." I said running out of breath.

"What guy?" Scott questioned,"Xander?" he asked or more like said out loud.

"Yes!Yes it's him." I said out loud as I stood up and ran a hand through my hair."He is the guy who almost took my life away that day!" I said,shocked.

"What?!" Scott jolted up from his seat.

"I'm not hundred percent sure brother but he-,his face looked quite familiar!" I said ,determined that it was him.

Scott only rolled his eyes and sighed. "Really Zoe-zoe?" "Don't you think you're just getting back into your imagination?I mean,you used to say that to all the guys with a beard, remember?"

'And truth be told,Scott was right.I was getting back into my determined imagination and I was afraid that I'd go back to how I was back then.I was a complete mess,wrecked and zany. '

So I decided to let it slide since I could see that it did not only hurt or bother me,but I could see that Scott was on the edge of giving up on me since he had been my savior for the past few years. I had to just get the load of his shoulders, he had carried all this years since my mother was that sick to even move a bone.

"So what's happening with the guy?" I asked slowly.

Scott took a gulp before opening his mouth to answer.

"The guy offered me a deal." He said again.

I gave him a nod as a sign to continue.

And then he elaborated everything to me.Everything I wasn't ready to hear anytime soon.

"What do you mean by a lot?" I asked after some time.

"Millions." He answered.

"Pounds sterling or Euros?"


"Five?Ten million?Or more?"

"More.A great virtuous sum of money I'm afraid." He said.

I stared right into Scott's eyes for quite a moment.

"A great deal more?"I repeated in a low voice."Fifty Million?" I whispered anxiously.

Scott shook his head."Something like seventy-five million."

I gasped,almost choking out of breath.

"What!?"I screamed.