Chapter 13 :Slowly, Opening up To Her.

"Well I take it your brother didn't tell you but we had a talk yesterday. Him and I. And he kind of told me everything that you went through,reason being I told him that I'm such an impatient, heartless, evil son of the devil." Xander confessed and I suddenly felt my blood turn cold and my heart started throbbing fast with sudden fear.

"So," He continued. "he did not want me to hurt you in any way possible or impossible.So he told me everything for me to know what kind of a person you now are because of the incident.Always scared,fearful and so fragile.Spiritually,emotionally and physically.That lot of things tend to trigger back your memories and that can be so hard on you since you're such a crybaby and have a little heart." He said with a chuckle.

I chuckled too as I looked down on my lap and tugged the strands of my hair behind my ears, exposing my face.

"Oh I'm so going to kill Scott!" I joked and we both laughed.

"Please don't. I was actually the one who forced him to say all that." Xander said trying to defend my brother.

"Then I should be killing you." I gave him a deadly eyes-narrowed stare.

He let out a soft laugh."As if you're capable."

"Oh yes I am!" I said crossing my arms over my chest with a serious face.

He rolled his eyes."Yeah right."

We stayed silent for a moment, just staring at the ocean and feeling the cold ocean breeze brush against our faces.

Throughout the silent period, I could feel him staring at me.I turned to him and there he was. Shamelessly staring right at me with those forest green sparkling eyes.I gazed down with shyness and smiled to myself. Before I knew it,I was swiftly lifted up and placed on his lap. My hands rested on his shoulders for support while his were around my waist.Our eyes met and I could feel a sudden intense heat of lust burning between them.We just remained gazed at each other for a long time till I moved my gaze down and slowly bit my lip.

After doing that,I felt his grip on my waist tighten and I think I felt his member twitch in his pants.I giggled to myself as that managed to excite me.The idea of knowing that I was able to excite him sexually.

"You think it's a matter to laugh at?" His voice was calm yet very scary.

"I-erm.." I stuttered but soon my skin shivered with coldness as I felt his hand wrap around my neck,gently.

I slowly tilted my head a bit backward so his hand could have it's way around my neck freely.I don't know why but I enjoyed being caged by it so much.

"As much as," Xander started before diving his head on my neck and sucking my blood out.

"Ohhh!" I moaned out as I felt a slight pain as he sucked deeper.

Soon,he was off and I couldn't help but miss his lips on my neck.I was breathing heavily as I stared down at him,eyes burning with lust. I was feeling hot!I felt my blood about to boil from the intense lust that boiled within me.

"I would like to continue," he smirked before his hands went behind my back and slowly started unzipping my dress.

As the zipper dragged down to expose my bare skin,I felt the ocean breeze brush against it which caused me to shiver from cold.

"Mhhhhhh..." I moaned out,letting the coldness get to me and cool my blood off.

I tried helping him to get it off but his firm hands and hard stare backed me off.

"Dont." He commanded.

I gulped and stayed still.

"Well as much as I'd like to continue this,we can continue later."He abruptly said and zipped up my dress.

"No!"I whined childishly which caused him to laugh.

"Yes!" He debated and pecked my lips.

That took me by surprise but I loved the feeling I received when his lips brushed against mine.My mind thought about how a real deep passionate kiss would've been like.

"Come on,get off and cuddle with me." He helped get off his lap and gently laid me down on the spot beside him.

We laid there warming each other as we cuddled.Our eyes set far on the beautiful scenery in front of us.The beautiful ocean and its waves.

"So tell me about you."

"About me?" He asked unsurely.

"Yes,the least I could know is your background and what kind of a person you really are." I told him.

"Well,I'm twenty four years old.My favourite colour is black.My favourite dish is anything Italian or Chinese. I grew up in a family of four.My mother, my father,my younger sister and my grandmother.We lived in Spain,Barcelona until I turned fifteen years old due to the death of my mother. Our house caught on fire one night and unfortunately my mother did not survive. My father and younger sister were lucky to not land in the hospital bed but as for my mother, grandmother and I....we got injured. After weeks at the hospital, my mother was announced dead.Her death left us in shambles and our lives seemed to be worse complicated since we had no where to stay. My father said it was for the best to move out of the country to start a new life elsewhere and bury the past.I believed him for a moment you know, that's why I agreed to move.We got here and to my surprise, he was already in a relationship and we had to live at his mistress's house for a while.The whole idea really got me agitated and fuming with rage.It had not been a month yet but he had already moved on and determined to start a new life with someone else.Someone who was not my mother." He said and I gently got off him,taking my time to observe the look on his face.

He was so pained and looked almost lifeless.I took it venting out really had him on the edge of almost exploding due to the trauma he went through.

I grabbed his large hand into my and gave it a gentle squeeze. He watched as I did so before his eyes traveled up to meet my eyes.

"Calm down and take your time." I softly said.

He drew in a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak again.