Chapter 14 "You're Stuck With Me Till The End Of Time."

"Is it okay if I tell you another time?" Xander asked,his voice unsure as he asked."I'm just not ready to tell anyone what I went through anytime soon." He said.

I gave him a smile as I placed my right palm on his face and gently rubbed my thumb back and forth slowly.

"It's okay." I assured."It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon. Unless you could be planning on getting rid of me anytime soon." I joked and we laughed at that .

"Now that's very funny ms.Katherine." He teased formally.

I laughed and cuddled on his chest and the feeling of hearing his heartbeat, was the best feeling ever. The feeling of knowing that he was right there at that right time completely ALIVE with me?Was priceless.We went silent for quite a moment until I thought I heard him whisper underneath his breath with no clue that It'd reach my ears.

"You're so stuck with me till the end of time."

After hearing those words,I thought of asking him if he was seriously meaning what he had just said but something somehow pulled me back.The words made my heart melt, it made my heart throb in total bliss and satisfaction.But one thing remained, we were after all still strangers to each other.

So I decided to be quite about it.

It was almost 9pm when we got back.We chilled at the ocean and watched as the fireworks magically made beautiful lights underneath the dark sky.We talked,laughed and got to know each other a bit more.Although we made sure not to step on each other's toes when it came to talk about sensitive matter like family matters.We were so like two best friends that night.So full of laughter,comfortability and freedom.It seemed like we were both soulfully free from whatever traumas we have been through the past years.

"What an awesome night I had." I commented as Xander held the front door open for me to enter.

"It was really nice." He agreed, closing it after he got in.

But I couldn't help but think deeply.

'Like since we were back to the huge silent house, was he going to go back to the old Xander?Always cold and moody?Demanding and persuasive?Dominant and rude?Because I utterly enjoyed spending time with the Xander at the Ocean. So bubbly,smiley,comfortable and genuinely alive and bright!Totally opposite to the Xander I had known for the past few days.'

"I'm going to pour myself a glass of red wine,you want one?" I asked as I made my way to the huge bar right before entering the kitchen.

"Sure,that would be lovely." Xander said trailing behind me.

I went over and took to glasses and a bottle of the finest red wine.I couldn't help but watch on the corner of my eyes as Xander took off his jacket, leaving him with only a tight white-long sleeved shirt that made absolutely sure to expose his biceps.He sat down on the stool and rolled the sleeves up,taking his time as I poured us the drinks.

"Can I have your phone please. " He said out of nowhere.

I raised a brow at him in confusion. "My phone?"

He nodded. Definitely sticking to his words.

'What harm could he do to your phone though Zoey?I mean, it is just a cheap smart iPhone with no possible nudes of yours or anyone's whatsoever.Now stop being such a child and give him the damn phone!' my inner voice snapped at me.

Quickly,I took out my phone and gave it to him.He surprisingly stood up and went over to the music center. I held both our glasses in my hands and went to the living room to join him.Soon as I stepped in,one of my favourite songs boomed softly in the room.It was


I observed him as he kneeled down and seemed to be busy plugging my phone. I stood by the entrance and

"You have a very good taste in music Ms.Katherine." He complemented getting up and walking towards me.

"I know...I grew up listening to this type of music at home because of my mother being the biggest fan of the types of Nina Samone,Jennifer Hudson and others.So it kind of became a part of me to listen to their music." I elaborated as I handed him a glass of wine.

We ended up chatting and laughing for hours, not even feeling tired or sleepy at all.We ended up drowning in almost the whole bottle of wine,I got a little tipsy and so did he.

He offered me his hand to dance and I took it with pleasure. The next song that played was by Luther Vandross and we slowly danced to it.We were still having a good time when we were interrupted by his ringtone.He groaned in frustration and I smiled up at him and give him a go ahead to go answer it.

"You sure?" He asked,gazed down at me." I mean whoever it is can wait." He said

I shook my head no."What if it's important ?What if it's work?"

"Then it also wait!" He stubbornly debated.

"Just answer the damn phone Vincenzo."

"Fine!" He rolled his eyes and took it out of his pocket.

I went over to the music center and turned the volume down.I was standing a bit far when he motioned for me to come closer so I could embrace him as he took the call.I hesitantly went over to him and placed both my hands on his chest while one of his sneaked around my waist and pulled me closer.

"But whoever it might be and however it might be important, I'm not leaving you tonight." He whispered in my ear before answering the call.

I smiled against his chest at his words.


'Xander baby,I know it's late but I really have a very bad headache and I need you here with me.' A high-pitched voice said from the other side of the phone.

I felt a tight knot of jealousy hit me in the stomach as I realized he was talking to his girlfriend.The smile I had seconds ago, eluded immediately.

'Really Samantha?' Xander said bored.

"So Samantha was the name of his girlfriend."I thought to myself as I carefully stayed quiet and listened to their conversations.

But soon I couldn't bare hearing anymore of his spoilt girlfriend's demands, so I got out of his embrace and went upstairs to my room.I felt somehow betrayed.He was supposed to have the whole night with me but there he was,negotiating with his so called girlfriend while he had me underneath his embrace. How sick that was!

I walked in my room and slammed the door behind me.I went straight to the bathroom to take a long relaxing shower because that was what I just needed to ease me down a bit. Before I could make it to the bathroom yet,I heard the front door open and then slammed closed.

My heart dropped and so did the tears.

He was gone.He left me even after he promised not to.

And so that night I waited for him to get back but he never did. And so,I cried myself to sleep with a broken and heavy heart.