Chapter 17 :Memories breeds Flashbacks.

I was in my room,just got out of the shower, wrapped myself with a towel as I stood before a silver and exact object. An object with no preconception and swallows whatever it sees immediately.The eye of a little God, four-cornered.An object which absorbs whatever that's in front of it,unmisted by love or dislike. I stood warily before the mirror and let my thoughts connect with its truth while my eyes were direct right through its soul.So piercing that I was afraid they would leave a creak on it.I was standing as stiff as a stork but my hands kept on fiddling one another with the lotion I had just applied.

My mind was far away and right as that moment it all sneaked it's way right back again. Like a lightning alarming of a terrible rain that's yet to pour upon the world. A rapid,flashback of the incident on that night flashed right in front of me.Quick and short,it left me hyperventilating and left my heart almost throbbing out of my chest.Swiftly and intensely one would've heard it's loud sound as every beat rang.

But the moment was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. My mind immediately came back to sense and I murmured a soft 'come in.'

The door opened and admitted in Xander.And instantly, I felt as if nothing disturbing or frightening had just filled my eye sight with its flashbacks. I felt my soul slowly but surely coming back to life.

"Princess, can I come in?" His voice felt like lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore, pleasant.

I looked at him in the mirror as he took a step in and stopped to look back at me.I took my time to observe him.

It was true.Xander was impossibly good looking. His face was smooth and firm.His shoulders were broad and manly, his hips lean,his legs muscular and well shaped. And those green eyes,made my knees go weak.He was in black shorts with a black tee.The shirt was rightfully suited around his well built body and his bit-haired legs were descried. It was for the first time I had seen him that much revealed in such clothes.

I did not realize I was staring at him for too long and lost in my thoughts until he repeated the question one last time.

"" He stressed out every word.

"You're already in Sir." I smirked.

Xander sighed and crossed his arms over his chest."Can I ask you something?"

I raised a brow."Depends." I answered.

"Why do you call me that?"

"Call you that-what?"


I chuckled and moved over to my closet. Opening it,I started my search for comfortable clothes to wear.

The silence might have arose his curiosity or was at the edge of killing his patience.

So to break it,he voiced out again.

"I think I asked you a question.Right princess?"

"I think I own you no answer.Right Sir?" I sarcastically said.


He slowly approached me and stood right behind me. I looked over my shoulder and by the corner of my eye,I could see him gazing right at me.Hands dipped inside inside the pockets of his shorts.Eyes gawking right at me.Their intensity slowly sending a burning sensation on my exposed shoulders.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe I find pleasure in calling you that or it's the respect I have for you."

He stepped further closer, I could feel his minty hot breath fanning against my skin.My heart started throbbing and my whole body reacted with goosebumps and butterflies as soon as his hand sneaked round my waist and pulled my back right into his hard chest.Slowly and gently.

He leaned in my ear in attempt to say something and I prayed that my body doesn't react anymore to any of his touch or actions but my head failed me as it slowly tilted to the side to grant him lucid access to the side of my neck and my ear.

"I want you to accompany me to a masquerade ball tonight as my date." He whispered.


"7 o'clock sharp.I'll send up a dress for you." He broke away.

"Xander,I can't-" He cut me off.

"I'm going down to the office, I'll sent Matteo to come fetch you.We'll meet at the hotel, I'll dress at the office."


"Thank you!" with that,he was gone.

"Arghghhhh!!" I shouted as I threw myself onto my bed.

I checked the time and it was 4 o'clock.

"But that's in like three freaking hours!" I complained to myself as I groaned my head back onto the pillow.

I had less than five hours to prepare.Great.