Chapter 16 :A Lunch With A Friend?Declined.

I was sitting on my bed doing my nails when my phone suddenly rang. I took a glance at the screen and formed a smile after seeing who was calling. I carefully swiped answer while I continued doing my business.

'Well hello there.' I cheerfully said.

'Zoey,hey.' Athena said.'How Iis my bestfriend doing today?'

'Well,I feel quite different today.' I said genuinely.

Athena gave out a little laugh.'Different?How so exactly?'

'I don't know too but there's just something that feels utterly different you know.I think I'm cured.'

'Uhmm....I didn't know you were sick!'Athena dramatically acted dumb.

I rolled my eyes.'I'm talking about the issue of Xander you dumbass.'

'Ohhh thattttt,' She said

'Yes thatttt,' I mimicked her voice which caused her to laugh.

'Well bestie,you know that I'm happy so long as you are also happy right ?'

'Yes I know Ath.' I sighed.

'I miss you already, hahaha.'

'I miss you more.'I cooed

Just right then,a text came through. I ignored it and continued talking to Athena for what seemed like forever.She had left my house somewhere around 12 pm and when she called, it was around 1pm.But we were already missing each other.

When she hang up,I was also done doing my nails.I was dying of the urea that was burning wanting me to free it.I swiftly stood up from the bed and literally ran to the bathroom.I heavied out a huge sigh of relief as soon as I peed.While i was busy checking myself on the mirror and acknowledging my nails, I heard a beep on my phone.I went to check on who it was and it was the same number that had texted me during the time I was talking to Athena over the phone.

i went through the text and it read as follows:

'Hey!It's the girl at the restaurant and I was hoping we could go out grab lunch tomorrow since I'm off at work.'

"Girl at the restaurant?" I confusingly asked myself and then it hit me after a while."Oh,"

I immediately texted back and told her that I'd love to and we chose a place to have lunch.

Hours past away real swiftly and it was around 3pm. I cooked lasagna and even made a strawberry ice cream for dessert. Thanks to Xander for having a ice cream machine at his house or else,it would've plundered me to go out and buy one.All because I was kind of allergic to sleeping without having a strawberry cream flawing in my bloodstream at night.It was a must to eat it,no matter any circumstances.

I had done plating up my food,as I was about to sit to pray before I ate,the ringing of the doorbell suddenly went loud.I groaned in both frustration as I dragged my feet towards the front door and in confusion about who it might have been during that time.

When I reached the door, I quickly unlocked it and it's safe to say,I almost fainted at the sight in front of me.

There,standing in his glory in a navy blue tuxedo that suited around his body perfectly.Gave out his well-built body a magnificent look.His hair was curled perfectly, his face glowing, his lips still pinkish,the arm of his tattoo decried a little bit on the side of his neck.The view was just everything. So perfect that I even gazed out of reality for a moment before his deep voice brought me to life.

"Yeah,sorry..what?" I swiftly stuttered out,as I did not get what he said at first.

He narrowed his eyebrows at me with certain confusion and looked somewhat agitated.

"I said can I come in?" Calmly, he motioned with his one hand, while the other was dipped inside his pocket.

I snapped out of it." Oh yeah,ofcourse!"

How dumb was I to just stand by the door,at his own house?Could've been worse if I stayed gazed at those forest green eyes and utterly remained there.

I stepped aside and let himself get in. He did and I closed the door behind him.

"Thought you were coming back next week." I said,joining him by the bar.

"Well," He took off his jacket,threw it on the bar-Island and poured us drinks."I decided to cut the trip short." He said.

I just nodded at that and remained silent.

He handed me a glass of white wine and had himself what looked like brandy or scotch. But it was definitely something strong.

He sat right across me and stared down on his phone while sipping his drink .

"So," I started,"I have to go out with a friend tomorrow."

Slowly, Xander rose his head and narrowed his eyes at me.His facial expression suddenly had a different sense.

"A what?" He pretended not to have heard correctly.

"A friend of mine had just asked me if we could have lunch tomorrow and get to know each other a bit better?Yeah." I said then sipped my wine.

I watched him as he continued to type on his phone and hit me with a silent treatment for a while.

He took a gulp of his last drink."NO!" Slammed the glass on the bar-island and left.

I was foggy by his sudden change in mood and definitely by his behavior. He was slowly sipping back to the same Xander I had first encountered.Why was he being like that over a stupid little lunchtime with a friend?I couldn't comprehend it well.