Force relationship

Melvin was silent, staring at Alexa and Gea, who were again enjoying watching Joey's stunning action, even the audience gave thunderous applause. The man kept staring at the girl in front of him as if he was thinking about something or planning something.

'She is beautiful. there's nothing wrong if I admit that she is my girlfriend,' Melvin thought as he continued to stare at Alexa from behind.

"He's not gone. He's still behind you," whispered Gea, moving closer to her face into Alexa's ear.

"That's because he still wants to watch, or is waiting for him to appear," said Alexa then looked back and at that moment her eyes met Melvin's eyes who continued to stare at her so ambitiously. for a moment she turned back to Joey who was still dancing while sliding on the arena.

'His gaze was like a tiger ready to pounce. Could it be that he was angry that I answered the girl's call to the point that he was mistaken for his girlfriend? even though the most important thing was that the girl did not know that I was the one who answered the call. He should be relaxed.' Alexa said to herself until she was no longer focused on watching and didn't notice Melvin getting closer to her and gripping her right hand.

"Hey let me go!" She cried groggily.

"You can't. You have to take responsibility!" said Melvin curtly.

Gea chose to step aside turning to Alexa's right side and whispered. "I can't stay here. I was waiting for you while shopping. Call me when you're done with him."

"Gea, you can't do that! You have to stay here!" cried Alexa frantically.

"I can't. Bastian wants to meet now because his chatty wife is no longer in this mall," said Gea and then left Alexa without waiting for her response.

"Gosh, Gea!" Alexa looked annoyed at Gea's departure, then turned to glance at Melvin who was still holding her. "Let me go!"

"I won't! Because of you, my sister thought I had a girlfriend, even going to introduce my parents, then you have to take responsibility!" Melvin smirked and turned to stare at the ice skating show that was still going on. Another dance partner started following Joey and her partner.

Alexa silently groaned glancing at Melvin who didn't let her off at all. She felt that today was too unlucky for dealing with Melvin which was interesting, but his attitude was unpleasant for being on his own.

Until a few minutes passed, finally Joey finished performing. She hurriedly took off her skates, then put them in a special bag. The girl with a slender body rushed to carry the bag and approached Melvin who was still with Alexa.

Alexa looked nervous when she saw Joey approaching. "Melvin, let me go!"

"Shut up! You have to follow me because you started all this!" Melvin shouted, gripping Alexa's hand.

Melvin instead turned to embrace Alexa from the side and smiled at Joey who was now nearby. "Hi ... you always look cool, even cooler today than usual," he said.

"Because I'm happy," said Joey with a bright smile. She turned to look at Alexa who looked nervously embraced by Melvin from the side. "Is she your girlfriend?" She asked.

"Yes," said Melvin then said, "she wanted to see you perform. That's why I brought her here."

Alexa immediately shook her head but Melvin tightened his embrace as if it was a sign that she had to follow this charade.

"Oh, you're so beautiful. No wonder that Melvin bends down on you after no girl has been able to touch his heart." Joey looked at Alexa with a friendly smile then stretched out her hand. "I'm Joey, Melvin's sister ... to be precise, Melvin's younger sister."

"Uh, I'm Alexa." with an awkward smile Alexa greeted Joey.

"Do you want to go home now?" Melvin asked looking at Joey. Meanwhile, Alexa took the chance to let go of her arms but couldn't go because Melvin stepped on her feet.

"Damn it, you stepped on my foot!" Alexa pushed Melvin away from beside her...

"Melvin! how could? Why are you stepping on your girlfriend's feet?" Joey looked at Melvin in annoyance then turned to Alexa who looked down at her reddened foot.

"Sorry I did not mean it."

"This hurts so much especially when he's wearing shoes!" Alexa pretends to be in a lot of pain so Melvin looks bad in Joey's eyes. 'That consequently forced me to follow your will!' he thought.

"You're outrageous. Having a girlfriend just once even stepped on her feet!"

"I accidentally!" melvin asserted, glaring at Alexa who seemed to be in pain on purpose, even now sitting on the floor. "Okay then. As a responsibility, I'll carry her and we'll take her home."

"Huh, carry?" Alexa was surprised and at that moment Melvin carried her and looked at her so coldly.

"We'll take her home together," said Joey carrying Alexa's paper bag.

"Eh ... put me down. I can still walk!" Alexa exclaimed looking at Melvin, her hand reflexively on his shoulder.

"Honey, I just made a fatal mistake by accidentally stepping on your foot. Now let me make up for it," Melvin said with a reassuring smile because Joey was staring at him.

"Hah ..." Alexa was surprised because Melvin called her 'honey and now started walking while continuing to carry her towards the escalator followed by Joey.

While in Melvin's arms, Alexa was silent with her face down because she realized she was starting to become the beginning of attention.

"Melvin I'm embarrassed, put me down!" exclaimed Alexa patting Melvin's chest.

"Honey, I love you. I will not let you hurt. I feel guilty for stepping on your feet," said Melvin sadly. "Don't struggle or we'll fall together."

"Alexa...You just obey and don't care about other people looking at you," Joey exclaimed with an amused smile. Not without reason, because this is the first time she's seen Melvin having a girlfriend and even looks so considerate that he's holding her in public like this.

Alexa sighed resignedly, lowered her face but glanced at Melvin with horror while those who glanced only responded with a warm smile. 'You are crazy!' She thought.

Gea, who was walking towards the jewelry store with Bastian, saw Alexa being carried by Melvin. "OMG, they..!" Gea covers her mouth with both hands.

"Do you also want to be carried like that?" Bastian asked.

"Of course not. I'm heavier than Alexa. Besides, I'm embarrassed," Gea replied then continued walking towards Alexa while Bastian decided to wait near a white round pillar decorated with colorful lights.

"Alexa... what are you doing?" asked Gea when she was near Alexa who was still carrying Melvin while Joey had walked out of the mall first.

"Her foot hurts because I accidentally stepped on it," said Melvin. "Now I'll take her to your apartment. Are you okay if you go home alone?"

"Uh..." Gea thought for a moment, glanced at Alexa who looked in a bad mood and was quietly being carried by Melvin. "It's okay. You just take her because she also needs time to rest."

"Okay then, we go home first," said Melvin then continued walking towards the exit of the mall.

when he arrived in front of the mall, Melvin let Alexa down for a while and borrowed her smartphone. He dialed his smartphone number, then returned it to Alexa.

"Starting today, we're in a relationship," said Melvin, carrying Alexa again without a word.

"In a relationship?" Alexa was dumbfounded, staring at Melvin's handsome face. The man carried her without feeling the burden and her gaze returned to a level. 'Actually, why does he want me to be his girlfriend? Is he can't find a girlfriend in a healthy way, not in an impromptu way like this?' he wondered.