Plans for dinner

While on the way to Gea's apartment, Melvin and Alexa just sat in silence even though they sat side by side while Joey sat in the back seat watching Alexa.

"Alexa," Joey called.

"Uh, yes," said Alexa looking back.

"Do you have an event tonight?" asked Joey as she leaned closer to Alexa's seat from behind. she leaned her body against the top of Melvin's fake lover's seat.

"Eh, nothing. I always stay at home when I'm not working or shopping," Alexa answered simply because she's not very good at lying.

"Ah!" Joey looked like she had an idea then glanced at Melvin. "How about tonight we have dinner together at home. Mommy will be very happy to see you bring your girlfriend over to the house."

"Dinner together?" Alexa swallowed her saliva, trying to imagine being in the Melvin family environment. It was completely unthinkable before.

"Yes. I will cook Melvin's favorite special food. You have to taste it so that one day when you get married, you know what he likes," said Joey casually.

"Married?" Alexa felt even more strange, glancing at Melvin who looked relaxed instead of looking at her with a smile.

"Okay. tonight we dinner together," said Melvin then touched the back of Alexa's right hand with his left hand. "Tonight I will pick you up, honey."

"Eight o'clock to be exact," said Joey enthusiastically. she smiled at Melvin who seemed to love Alexa so much, she didn't want to disturb him, and sat back down casually.

Alexa exhaled roughly, glancing at Melvin with horror because it was scary. How not spooky? just today they know each other and then suddenly invited to be a girlfriend and even be introduced to his parents. Good grief! Alexa never imagined it would dream nor ever. now she could only be silent because anything Melvin said could make her unable to avoid participating in this charade.


At the mall, Bastian is still with Gea who is choosing some clothes that she will give to Alexa because she hasn't had time to shop for clothes.

"Why do you stick with your wife who doesn't know any manners?" asked Gea while walking to choose clothes while Bastian followed her casually.

"If we divorce, the company I currently manage will fall apart because it still relies on funds from the company he manages," Bastian replied angrily.

Gea turned to look at Bastian. "So she's richer than you?"

"We are comparable. We got married because of an arrangement that my parents had agreed to. And just as I was growing up, my daddy's company got into trouble and asked Siska's parents for help. And it turns out that the reward is that I have to marry Siska," Bastian explained angrily. he exhaled roughly, stopped, and put his hands in the side pockets of his pants.

"You can refuse the match if you don't love her ... but you accept, it means you love her," said Gea in a disappointed tone. she thought it turned out that her hopes were very slim to have Bastian completely because he was bound by Siska.

"she likes me and I don't have the power to refuse. Moreover, I am the only son, I am the hope of my family... then, I did it for a sacrifice," explained Bastian then approached Gea and looked at her intensely, holding her hands. "Don't push me too hard to divorce her, but I promise I will love you more than her. and one day when I'm free from the shackles of her family, I'll divorce her and marry you."

Gea exhaled harshly and then released her hand from Bastian's grip saying, "yes ... I hope this is not a sweet promise or just making it because you don't want to divorce her."

"Are you still doubting my love after what I gave you all this time?" Bastian asked.

"I don't know," said Gea, then continued to choose clothes for Alexa.

Bastian continued to follow Gea until he found clothes that he thought fit Alexa and then took them. "Honey... it looks like it's perfect for your friend."

Gea turned to look at the clothes chosen by Bastian. she smiled faintly and shook her head. "Alexa will never wear clothes like that. She is not confident if she wears sexy clothes," she said.

Bastian nodded in understanding and put the clothes back on then continued to follow Gea who was shopping without the slightest bit of fear if his wife suddenly came, and found out that he was cheating on her with the girl.


Arriving in front of the apartment building where Gea lived, Melvin got out of the car along with Alexa while Joey stayed in the car and opened the window.

"Alexa . . . you should come anyway," Joey called from the window.

"Uh, I don't..." Alexa hasn't finished her words but Melvin interrupts and holds her hand.

"You take easy... she will come on time because I will pick her up early," said Melvin with a smile.

Alexa glanced at Melvin, about to let go of his hand but instead gripped it tighter.

"Now I'll take her in. You just wait in the car," Melvin shouted at Joey and then led Alexa to walk towards the main door of the apartment, which was a solid-looking translucent glass that reads "open" on the side of the door handle.

"Let me go!" cried Alexa annoyed.

Melvin looked outside and saw Joey who had closed the car window again. He turned to look at Alexa and pulled her down the corridor to the elevator.

"Melvin let me go!" This time Alexa was really angry that Melvin let go, staring at her with a look so cold.

"What do you want? Why suddenly make me your girlfriend?" Alexa asked annoyed.

"Alexa ... I don't have a girlfriend and Joey already thought I had a girlfriend and he also told my parents," explained Melvin.

"Then what's that got to do with me?" asked Alexa.

"Because you're the cause of all this," said Melvin. "You answered the call from her and didn't explain what happened but were silent when she accused you of being my girlfriend. after that she complained to my parents and now I have to introduce my girlfriend ....and that's you," he continued ending with annoyance.

"And I'm not your girlfriend!" Alexa confirmed.

"We're dating from now on!" Melvin exclaimed.

"Melvin..generally someone wants a relationship in a romantic way, but you are... pushy and very unromantic. How can I accept you as my girlfriend?"

"Hey. The beginning of this problem is because of you, so it's the same as you who want to be my girlfriend!"

Alexa smiled sarcastically and held her arms. "Don't be too confident. I never claimed to be your girlfriend. I just received the call and suddenly Joey thought I was your girlfriend. Has no one been close to you so she immediately thinks the girl with your phone is your girlfriend?"

"I've never been in a relationship this long. For me dating is not important," said Melvin, turning his face away.

"Then we're the same. I've never dated either," said Alexa curtly.

"That means we have to date in front of my parents, or if necessary for real because I'm lazy to find another girl for me to date. I don't have much time. We'll continue this conversation on the phone," said Melvin casually and then left Alexa just like that.

"This is called coercion!" Alexa muttered while glancing at Melvin's departure. "But he's handsome. Mrs. Siska would be jealous if she knew he was my boyfriend," she continued, always wanting to make her boss jealous.