Welcomed by family

Arriving at the house precisely in the yard, Melvin stopped his car. He immediately went downstairs and opened the door for Alexa.

"Don't slip again," said Melvin when he opened the door for Alexa and slowly Alexa stepped down.

"No. I'm used to it now," Alexa said with a reassuring look. She immediately got off until Melvin closed the sports car door again.

Alexa stared at the splendor of Melvin's house, which was so luxurious like a conglomerate's house. Or maybe the man was the conglomerate's son?

"Is this your house?" asked Alexa with a look of admiration at the upper floor where there were balconies with golden yellow guardrails.

"No, this is my parents' house," said Melvin then grabbed Alexa's right hand and held it with his left.

"Surely when the maid cleans this house, it will be very tired," Alexa muttered.

Melvin smiled faintly at Alexa who was in awe then said, "Now come on in... Maybe my family is waiting for you."

Alexa returned her focus to Marvin and realized that her right hand had been grasped again then she raised it together with Melvin's hand. "Do you have to hold hands like this?" she asked.

Instead of answering, Melvin glanced at Alexa curtly. "Don't act too much. There are many girls that I just want to hold like this. And you should be grateful that I held your hand without you having to ask."

Alexa rolled her eyes glancing at Melvin sarcastically. "Ishh... I won't ask either!"

"Now let's go in and be polite because my mother is very fierce and my father has a scary face," Melvin exclaimed then pulled Alexa to walk into the house by passing the magnificent terrace with white marble floors.

Arriving near the entrance, Alexa forced Melvin to stop and look at him with an uncomfortable look. "Melvin... I... I'm scared."

"Why?" Melvin asked.

"I... I'm not ready. I've never met a boyfriend's parents before," Alexa replied with her heart also saying, 'even I've never been in a relationship before. and now, I'm going straight into a relationship and meeting my boyfriend's fierce and fierce parents. Looks like I'm going to die standing up."

Melvin smiled faintly at Alexa who looked uncomfortable and even very scared. "Are you afraid to meet my parents?" he asked.

Alexa nodded her head then said, "let's just go home or wherever you want."

Melvin sighed then pulled Alexa back to continue walking into his house saying, "I was just joking... My mother is a very humble and friendly person. father isn't scary either.. they're like Joey."

"You're always like this. Makes me scared and uncomfortable," Alexa murmured, glancing at Melvin. she turned to glance at the atmosphere of the living room, which was so majestic with a golden white theme with modern and luxurious furniture that must have been of fantastic value. There are stairs to the top floor, and there is also a wide door leading to the living room and perhaps many more rooms.

"Ah, you're finally here," said Joey when Melvin and Alexa arrived in the living room. There was already Elena, Jordy and also Dante. Their eyes immediately fell on Alexa.

"Eh ... good evening," Alexa greeted with an awkward smile and leaned slightly.

Elena stood up and walked over to Alexa with a flat look, even so, serious that her brow furrowed. "You... Melvin's girlfriend?"

Alexa looked very nervous about Elena's cold stare. glamorous style in a dress and neatly tied hair, wearing a series of jewelry and rather thick make-up, made her think that the middle-aged woman was fierce.

"Yeah, Mom... She's my girlfriend." Melvin who answered then glanced at Alexa. "She's a good girl. just as I expected as a future daughter-in-law."

"Is that true?" Elena was still looking at Alexa with a probing gaze.

Alexa just nodded slowly and couldn't hide her nervousness and fear.

Elena put a smile on her lips then hugged Alexa for a moment and smiled at her. "Finally I have a future daughter-in-law."

Alexa just nodded with an awkward smile.

"Sorry for my attitude earlier. I just want to know how you treat this family. you are an innocent girl. Unlike other girls who have been here claiming to be Melvin's girlfriend, some even claim to be pregnant," she said holding Alexa's shoulder. Her gaze was so intense, it made those who stared at it nervous. I hope she don't faint.

"Eh ... maybe they like Melvin," said Alexa.

"And Melvin doesn't really like that type of girl," said Elena, glanced at Melvin, who was still holding Alexa's hand. "But I never knew he had a girlfriend. And it turns out, the choice is you."

Dante and Jordy just smiled at their interactions with Alexa who was still very innocent, while Melvin was even more nervous about Alexa's innocence.

"I prefer Alexa who is innocent and simple than other girls who are pretentious beauty," said Joey approached Alexa, and smiled at her. "Welcome to our home."

Alexa just nodded with an awkward smile glancing at Joey who was so charming in a plain white knee-length dress with open sleeves with beads on the surface.

"So, your name is Alexa?" asked Elena.

"Yes ..." Alexa answered at the same time confused about what to call Melvin's mother. She was too nervous and didn't know what to say.

"I'm Elena, and you'd better call me ... 'Mommy' because I wish you to be my daughter-in-law," Elena exclaimed with a friendly smile. for her, it is better to have an innocent daughter-in-law who will be easy to teach and adapt to her family than a daughter-in-law who is a lot of styles and cannot adapt or be taught to be a good daughter-in-law.

"Eh ... Yes, Mom .." Alexa was nervous.

"Now I'm hungry and you said you've cooked specially for my girlfriend," said Melvin realizing Alexa was still not comfortable talking to her mother and sister. 'Mommy wants her to be a daughter-in-law? Could I possibly love her?' his mind is restless.

"Okay, let's eat together now," said Joey and then led Alexa to walk with her to the dining room.

Alexa heaved a sigh of relief that Melvin didn't hold her anymore and escaped the sight of Elena and the others. she felt that she was not in a good condition, because the treatment she got was really good, to the point of imagining what if they found out that she and Melvin were dating with an abstract goal.

"Please have a seat," Joey called, pulling up a chair for Alexa.

"You cooked all this alone?" Alexa immediately sat down and looked at the array of contemporary European specialties arranged so neatly on the yellowish-white dining table commensurate with the color of the chair.

"I'm helped by Mommy and the maid," said Joey then glanced at Dante and the others began to enter the dining room and immediately sat down in their respective seats of choice.

Melvin immediately sat next to Alexa's right, then brought his face closer to Alexa's face and said, "Don't be nervous. We're just going to eat a little bit because after this I'm going to take you somewhere."

"Where to?" Alexa whispered.

"You'll find out later," said Melvin, then took food for Alexa, who was daydreaming.

'Where will he take me? Why is everything arranged by him? This is not fair. as a girl who accepts him as a girlfriend, I also hope to arrange it, reject it,' she thought while glancing at Melvin in surprise.