Caught in the atmosphere

The atmosphere of the dinner that Joey had planned, went quite smoothly and wisely. They ate together while talking about their respective experiences about their respective families, especially about Alexa who had just joined the family. everyone had finished eating until the dishes they used to eat were taken by the maid and replaced by enjoying the desserts made by Elena.

"Where have you lived all this time, Alexa?" asked Jordy after he finished eating and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"Originally I lived in a rented house, but starting today I live in my friend's apartment," Alexa replied with an awkward smile, even the way she sat looked very uneasy. She sat slightly hunched over with both hands on her lap.

"Why did you move?" asked Jordy again.

"Surely she is lonely because she is alone in the rented house. And it is better to live with friends in the apartment ... it seems more comfortable," said Elena who understood the character of a girl because she was once a girl. She glanced at Alexa and asked, "Isn't that right, Alexa?"

"Eh...," Alexa replied nervously. How could she not be nervous? The person she met for the first time instead had to be called "Mommy", because she was already considered as a future daughter-in-law.

"If your friend's apartment is not comfortable, you can stay in my apartment," said Melvin, glancing at Alexa.

"Eh that's not necessary…living with friends will feel more comfortable," Alexa said smiling reassuringly at Melvin even though she wanted to strangle him for bringing her into his family so soon.

Joey smirked, glancing at Alexa who was shy. "Alexa, you should be grateful that Melvin harbored his heart for you. Especially, he seems to love you."

"If you already love each other then mommy expects something serious between you. because it's better than continuing to be together without being legal," exclaimed Elena who started the conversation towards a serious level of a relationship.

"Um ... I'm not ready, mom," said Alexa uncomfortably.

"Why?" asked Joey who was now getting dessert for Dante, who had been silent for a long time listening to the casual conversation.

"I'm focused on helping my family's economy," Alexa replied with a warm smile then bent her face, frowning when she felt her feet touched by Melvin's. She glanced at the man and shifted her feet to get away but instead, it was like being chased and touched again. 'Ugh, why is he playing with his feet?' She wondered.

"Where does your extended family live?" This time the question was Dante, who after so many centuries was silent while eating.

"Um ... my extended family lives in Yogyakarta," Alexa replied with a warm smile.

"Oh, I happen to have friends there, em ... To be exact," said Dante and then continued to eat the Coco pandan flavored dessert which was available in a small square-shaped container.

"That means ... next time you have to take me there and we can play around Alexa's house when Alexa is also returning home," said Joey, glancing at Alexa with a smile.

"I'll take Alexa when she goes home," said Melvin as if he didn't want to lose his attention.

"Then what about us, honey?" asked Elena, glancing at Jordy with a smile.

"We just stay at home. Because we are quite satisfied enjoying our youth by traveling around the country," Jordy replied with a relaxed smile then returned to focus on Alexa. "So how long have you lived in Jakarta?" he asked.

"About a year more," Alexa replied.

"You work to provide for your family?" Jordy made sure, even he seemed to be assessing the good and bad side of Alexa.

Alexa just nodded. she didn't want to explain everything about her family situation because she didn't want to be thought of as seeking sympathy.

"It turns out that you are a girl who is responsible for the family even though you are still very young. I salute you." Elena stared in awe at Alexa.

"Because it is my duty, Mom."

"That's why once I met you, and knew you were Melvin's girlfriend, I didn't doubt you. Melvin would have chosen you because of your good nature too, not because of your beauty," said Joey with a warm smile. She turned to glance at Melvin who smiled at her. "Isn't it true what I said?"

"Yes, you're right." Melvin nodded, then took a deep breath and immediately stood up while holding Alexa's hand who immediately stood up.

"Mom, Dad, I want to take Alexa for a walk around the house," he said.

"Yes. please," said Jordy then got up from the chair saying, "I also want to rest in the room."

"Melvin, don't be mean to girls. Don't invest in shares before you make her legal as your wife," Elena exclaimed, warning her son not to be indecent to Alexa. She understands the dating style of young people today and doesn't want her child to fall into sex before marriage.

Melvin rolled his eyes, ignored his mother's words, and immediately took Alexa out of the dining room before eating further interrogation. he led the girl down the corridor of the golden-white interior of the magnificent house until he stopped at a door that was so sturdy, five meters high, white.

"What are we here for?" asked Alexa, looking at Melvin who opened the door.

"Saved you," said Melvin then pulled Alexa into a very magnificent room, exactly like a hall that could be used for dance parties, more precisely the room was probably used by Joey to practice ice skating. he closed the door again and walked over to the white cupboard with the transparent glass door, then opened it.

Alexa walks slowly by touching the clean white wall that looks so sturdy, then glances at Melvin who is now walking towards him while carrying a pair of skates for ice skating. 'He said he would save me but instead brought me to this arena and...'

"Instead of you always being interrogated by mom, dad or Joey, we'd better go ice skating here," said Melvin then looked down. He put white skates near Alexa's feet. "I think it fits your foot."

"But I can't," said Alexa dubiously looking at the shoes.

"I'll teach you," said Melvin then squatted down, then looked up at Alexa. "Take off your heels, I'll put these skates on," he exclaimed.

"Melvin. I don't think I need to do this. I can't or will fall," Alexa said with a frown.

"Come on, it's easy. You can do it after I teach you," said Melvin looking up at Alexa. "Instead of us going back into the living room and having Joey or mommy go up and interrogate you again or plan things you might not like and you can't resist, it's going to make things worse."

Alexa exhaled sharply, then lifted her right foot from the high heel, then Melvin grabbed the foot and put on the skates. The girl was silent with her left hand holding on to the wall while her right hand holding the man's shoulder. she looked down at the man she had just met who was now her boyfriend and didn't even hesitate to hold her feet to put on her shoes. Ah, could it be that she's getting mesmerized…