Too much for her

Ina who was still laying on the bed was daydreaming about what happened this morning, He had touched and caressed her body gently as he kissed her passionately making her melt in his burning passion.

She remembered how he made love to her in the shower cabinet, She could still feel his warm skin against hers, Ina closed her legs tightly blushing forcefully, She couldn't believe that she was getting aroused just by thinking about him.

She got off the bed and went to the bathroom, She splashed her face with cold water to calm herself down.


Three days late, At a coffee shop.

"Is your mother still angry?" Mia asked as she took a sip from her hot chocolate.

"Not at all, She treats me with extra care these days, Like yesterday she asked me to help in the kitchen and you won't believe what she said to me." Ina said.

"What are you waiting for? tell me." Mia spoke as she leaned closer to the table.

"She told me that she is not blaming me for choosing the wrong person because I don't have much experience in relationships and that I'm still young." Ina sighed as she finished speaking.

Mia noticed how Ina mood changed." What's wrong?"

"It's just that I hate the fact that I'm deceiving my parents." Ina replied feeling very bad.

"Firstly, You are not deceiving them, Secondly, you like that guy? I mean you have slept with him two times already, At least we can agree that you are sexually attracted to him, So there is nothing wrong with that." Mia replied wanting to confront her friend.

"I wish I could feel that way, Every time I see my father, I feel very ashamed." Ina spoke as she lowered her eyes looking at her lap.

"I don't see anything wrong here, Apart from helping your family you finally found someone you like and that is a big thing Ina, You are nineteen years old and this is your first relationship, Don't you think that you should enjoy your time." Mia said as she continued drinking the hot chocolate.

Ina nodded her head."You are right, I should enjoy my time more." She said.

Both girls chatted for some time before they left the coffee shop going to shopping.

Ina was waiting for Mia to finish trying the new clothes that she picked and just then her phone ringed.

"Ina, When are you going back? Lunch is almost ready." Her mother said

"I will be there soon." Ina replied as she saw Mia coming out of the dressing room.

"Okay, Be careful, I love you." Her mother said.

"I love you too." Ina replied before she hung up the phone.

Ina was about to go follow Mia when she received another incoming call but this time...

It was Damien.

Ina felt her heart started to beat faster as she pressed swiped the phone screen answering the call.

"Hey, You haven't called in the last three days, So I thought I should be the one who should call." Damian spoke over the phone his voice calm and seductive as always.

"I'm sorry, I thought that you are maybe busy with your work so I didn't want to distract you." Ina replied in a soft voice.

"Hmm, You distract me even we are not calling, Ina." Damian replied.

Ina bit her lower lip trying to compose herself, They why he pronounces her name is just too much for her to handle, She didn't know what she should reply to his words.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Damien asked.

"Yes." Ina replied.

"That's good, I want to spend some time with you before you leave." Damien said.

Ina frowned as she thought about her mother finding out.

"But what about my mother?" Ina asked him.

"Don't worry about her, I already took care of everything." Damien replied making her sigh in relief.
