The beauty spa

"You're going to tell your mother that you and your friend have booked two days at the beauty spa, I have already reserved a room at the both of you, So it shouldn't be a problem." Damian explained.

"Okay, But how I'm going to meet you?" Ina asked.

Damien chuckled his little angel is very Impatient.

"I will call you once you get there and tell me where to meet me, I could have gone straight to your presents and told them everything but you refused." Damien said and heard her sigh.

"Damien, I know that you are serious about us but if you spoke to them right now they will refuse, I need time to prove myself to them, I know that we still don't know many things about each other but will please wait for me." Ina said knowing that she was asking too much of him.

Damien felt happy that Ina was serious about them, In the last few days, he became restless and worried when she didn't call him.

"I will wait for you, Didn't I promised you that already? So there is nothing to worry about." Damien replied assuring her.

"Okay, I have to go now see you tomorrow." Ina said before she hung up the phone.

She was very excited and happy that she is going to spend the next two days with him.

Ina explained the plan to Mia everything while they were in there way back and the latter was very happy and excited.

Two days at the beauty spa without paying a single dollar, She started to love this man already.

After both girls went back to Ina house they told their mother about the two days vacation and that they went to spend some time together before Ina leave to London.

Ina mother had approved but she is going to send someone to keep eyes on both of them, Especially her daughter because she has a feeling that there is something suspicious about this vacation.


The next day, The beauty spa.

"Wow, This amazing, I'm going to enjoy my time here." Mia spoke happily as she looked around the room.

Ina giggled as sat down on the bed.

"I can't wait to start massage therapy." Mia added.

"You go first, I'm going to take a nap." Ina said as she lied on the bed.

She had thought she had slept early but for some reason, she was feeling very sleepy and tired.

"Okay, I will go first." Mia said before she left the room closing the door behind her.

After Mia left, Ina took off her shoes and got under the worm the duvet and dozed off to sleep.


Three hours later.

Damien was sitting next to the bed where Ina was sleeping, When he had entered the room he found Ina sleeping soundly so he did not have the heart to woke her up.

He has been sitting there watching her as she slept, He wondered what made her tired this much that she was sleeping so deeply.