The Gathering of the Ten Fingers


Is Wan Yi secretly into man or something....Bones thought as he opened the door once more, this time a lot more sober and a lot less stinky than the last time they have met one another.


'Freya is about to arrive. Do you want to come with me to greet her?'

'Absolutely! Just...but as a fellow Finger, of course.' Bones almost gave away his secret and give Wan Yi the satisfaction of knowing everything, however, he played it off cool and there is no way in hell that Wan Yi could have noticed his excitement.

'Of course.' Wan Yi said, turning around as Bones threw on a brand new black jacket and followed after him.

'You know, I noticed you always come around here to hang out.' Bones said, his curiosity overcoming all else, 'I didn't think you are that kind of guy.'