Walking through an abandoned factory Dakota made no sound as his figure lumbered through it. Drawing his hand cannons he suddenly opened fire while spinning. Bullets ripped through the air, the fabric of reality acting as if it is resisting the bullets. The air howled in pain till they tore through obstacles spraying blood everywhere. A feral growl rips through his throat as he sprinted towards rusted double doors plowing through them. Reunion member's on the other side of the door get tossed about and flattened upon his entrance.
Ignoring the smeared blood trails of the flattened enemies, he crushed a still alive fie under a foot as he ran. Gun barrels flashing with bangs echoing out as Reunion member's died all around him. Taking a deep sniff his eyes narrowed as he broke through a wall blood spears flying. The spears of blood impaling a young woman through the stomach and into a wall.
Growling Dakota just smiles seeing the young woman trying to freeze everything. Yet nothing was happening, nothing was even remotely freezing. Noticing this the young womans expression became one of terror and confused anger. Before she could say anything however the blood sealed her within itself. Snarling at the blood prison it abducted the young woman as it sunk into the ground. With her taken care of Dakota cracked his neck a bit heading towards the Babel and Reunion fighting. The enemy Wendigo was not around so its best to clean up and leave. Disappointing.
<< After the Skirmish >>
Sitting quietly in the Babel helicopter two hours later Dakota opened his eyes. The sight of a Sankta male teen trying to grab his halo greeted him. Seeing himself caught the teen froze, his crimson hair standing up a bit and golden eyes looking at him in fear. His dark skin becoming a bit pale as he slowly retracted his hand, his dark blue riot suppression armor rattling. When he thought he could do something his hand darted towards Dakota's halo suddenly. Yet with a bone crunching sound his hand was siezed with a howl of pain.
"Do you think your allowed to touch that?"
"Aaaahh! I am a Sankta Executioner I have the right to do as I please! Let go of my hand you abomination! You are not a Sankta but a disgrace to our race!"
The teens words caused those from Babel sitting around the two to tense up. They have seen how Theresa reacts to and had heard what Theresa calls the older Chimera. Seeing some kid not even in his twenties yet try do something hostile and insulting the older man made them worried. Some Sankta's mixed among them shook their heads and spoke up towards Dakota.
"I've got no issues with the old Chimera, so don't involve me."
"Eh I like Theresa she's a better boss than the Sankta Juristic Arms group I served. She loves the old man so I'm not helping you kid if you fuck up."
"He's a Chimera and a very lethal ranking Sankta class. So kid behave no one will save you if you piss off a Seraphim."
"Your funeral, either by the big tank, the boss, or the surprise adoption group."
Hearing the other's of his race the teen looked around incredulously as if they should've stuck by him. Yet they side with the so called abomination who had crushed his hand. Gritting his teeth he glared at the one he was trying to harm only to be greeted by sharp jagged teeth and a tongue near his face. Shrieking his hand is suddenly released as the cause sits back with a chuckle.
"Kid, you need to learn what not to do."
"I don't need to listen to you abomination! I'll tell Theresa what you did, and then you'll be in for it."
{Agent Duravil, what do you think your doing?}
A cold emotionless voice sounded in the compartment. Everyone looked to see a Vampire Sarkaz and Sankta hybrid had called Theresa on the Helicopter's live feed camera. Her face blank on the monitor below the camera as it got a full view on everything. Seeing Theresa and taking a damn good guess her mood everyone else abandoned the teens area. Her cold piercing gaze locking onto him completely now. Yet the teen smiled nodding his head as he spoke rather frevently.
"Theresa! Good someone with brains called you! This abomination of a Sankta has halo around his bicep. I was trying to rip it off but the beast woke up, so I retreated then tried to quickly grab its halo! Then it grabbed my hand and crushed it! This THING is a threat to everyone, and a stain on the Sankta system. So I would like to request help in dealing with it as an Executioner!"
{Grandfather, do as you wish everyone else seal off an area. Agent Silvain thank you for bringing this to my attention.}
"Anytime madame, the brat had said to much and was threatening to more. As an "abomination" I'm just helping take care of unfit personell."
"Wait what? What do you mean? Theresa? THERESA?!"
The call ended and everyone else had done as ordered. Sealing the teen on other side of a barrier with the old Chimera. The teen was pounding on the barrier and screaming in confusion for answers. However, his screams soon became pained and the sound of violence ensued. Armor was heard breaking as the teen screamed profanity in desperation to escape. Yet no one budged to help the kid, his fellow Sankta had instead informed higher ups of their race about this. The responses back were all systematically one thing.
{"The fool dug his own grave messing with THAT monster who is always relatively passive. Do nothing, let him suffer or die, pissing that thing off is not worth it or him."}
So they obeyed as while they work with Babel they still have to answer somewhat to those in charge of the Sankta. After a while the screaming and violence stopped echoing out. When they dropped the barrier the area was spotless but the teen was missing. The old man licking his chops before sitting back down. The others shook their heads, eating him was out there but he was a Wendigo Sarkaz so they let it go. Plus he mostly eats the dead, eating the living isn't much different besides the screams.
Silvain sat by the Chimera and stretched out. Her sapphire dress ruffling a bit, her dark brown hair with a red highlight getting in her eyes a bit. As her green eyes looked towards the older man beside her. They said nothing to each other but they didn't really have to know what the other thought. They just silently accepted what the other had done and that was simply thar. The rest of the ride would've been uneventful if the old Chimera hadn't decided to suddenly sing two hours later.
"You think I'm a monster with that look
But I'm just the broken product of war and time
Seen a lot of things in my time
Done a lot of things worth eternal damnation
Yet I'm still here ready for the next slaughter
Ready for the next war, like a good little soldier
A monster to you, but a hero to another
A monster to you, but a hero to another
A monster to you, but a hero to another
Think once if you want to do this
Think twice if you can survive
Think thrice if it was all worth it
Because in war you think fast or become another casualty
Don't call war a place of glory and victory
War is a crucible of the broken and nightmares
March along whole to the grinder, come out destroyed
War is such a beautifully dangerous thing, it changes everything
War is such a beautifully dangerous thing, it changes everything
Live to see the next dawn of day admist the corpses
Live to see another war looming over the horizon
Live watching friends, family, and enemies fall around you
Live to not go quietly into the night, to not fade away
Don't play the hero, you'll become the monster hunted
Don't play the villain, you'll be hated by everything
Don't play the bystander, you'll get dragged in to war
If you want to survive what comes you must be proactive
If you want to survive what comes you must be proactive
Because no one's going to hold your hand through war
March onto the coming breach, do not take one step back
For a step back means death if you do
To survive you must actively seal the breach of war
Or everything becomes ash and everything dies"
Hearing the song was ominous but those who know things about history, and whats been happening. They scowl and make silent vows to themselves. Because if the ancient monster who's lived wars hints for blood shed its best to prepare. The sudden attitude shifts of those who take the words in surprises their companions. Closing his eyes the Chimera chuckles and says something with a deep meaning.
"Prepare the tide is almost here, prepare to for many, to lose many, to feel scorned."
Those words stumped those who still didn't get why he had suddenly sung, or left some ominous words in the air. Yet those who did guess prepared, prepared to possibly fight as soon they landed at Babel. The words of a war monster are sometimes best taken seriously. Because those who survived a war usually know when another looms over head ready to crash down.
When the helicopter's landed at Babel a torrent of blood covered the area forming monsters. Dakota stepping out first as the blood monsters roamed and prowled melding into the surroundings. The rest seeing these actions were wary, those ready for a fight gripped their weapons tightly.
"Two years have passed, the hunt begins but it shall fail in the end."
Leaving the area into Babel Dakota cackled softly, his eyes glowing with excitement and dread.