Chapter Five

Walking into Babel an operative that smelled of fresh blood but looked way to clean calmly approached. But the soul screaming behind them causes the older Chimera to abruptly grab the operatives face. With one good squeeze the surprised operatives head pops like a grape. Pulling one of his guns free the older Chimera whistles a long drawn out sound. A faint chirp is heard from deeper inside of Babel which was silent. Looking back at those who arrived with him he grunts and motions forward.

"The King has moved, suspect everyone we meet. We'll likely be ambushed by a full on assualt if this planned assissination fails."

A Blood Serpent slithered into the doorway regurgitating a corpse bearing the Sarkaz Special Forces emblem. Nodding at the blood creature it seeped into the ground and disappeared. Walking deeper inside of Babel the group spots the occasional deceased body or blood splatters. After a good bit of walking they arrived at Theresa's office door. Which had a fair amount of dismembered and bloodied corpses outside. Whistling a tune the door is opened by Loki using a paw while a sleak Neural Link Rail Turret was popped out of the back of her armor.

"Yo Loki, care to go for a walk? Its a lovely day with corpses and idiots running about."

"Dad… please don't joke right now we need to leave."

"We cant leave just yet we have something to do while its calm. Theresa, do it now while its relatively safe."

"Yes grandfather…. It's good to see you back after two years."

While the other's went inside the office I stayed outside and leaned against the wall. While the Inheritance Ceremony happened in safety I just kept watch. When I heard the door open after a long while W stepped outside looking conflicted. She looked at me as if I had some sort of divine answer for whatever question she had. I had none but I followed the next bit of the situation and lovingly took the soul of Theresa who was behind W into my hands. She smiled at me sadly but happily while I gave her one last smile.

Carefully I shrunk her spirit as I looked at W who saw the faint glow within my hands. She looked at the shrunken soul of her most treasured person and looked back at me. Her eye's weren't dead as they would've been if Theresa died, no they were full of life and love. She silently giggled sadly before shaking her head and pulling her shirt up some.

"I've lost the one I loved but… in a way we're going to have a child together. Its weird…. But now I know why she asked me to take something that'd let an egg out into my ovaries."

"You'll do just fine W, you'll have a lot of help to but the kid won't be her anymore. They'll be a new person, a new life, one genetically born solely of you but also Theresa. I'll carry her body after this as we head for Rhode Island."

"Thank you… do it please dad?"

Chuckling softly I gently pushed the soul against W's abdomen and guided the soul into the blank slate. The egg while not fertilized initially I gave it that jump as Theresa's soul entered it. With that done W is officially pregnant, a weird way to do it but she's happy because of who played a part. Entering the office with W behind me I see the now lifeless Theresa and a sleeping Amiya. Putting the young Chimera onto Gaia's back I lifted the corpse of Babel's leader up like a princess. Manticore climbing up onto my shoulder while everyone else nods and so we make our exit.

The sound of steady but quiet foot fall exhoes through the dead halls of Babel. We make our way out a door facing the direction of the mega land and sea carrier. Blood Beast guarding the door in droves greet us before disappearing below ground.

"Babel is no more, from today on we are Rhodes Island. Amiya is still to young to lead so someone else with experience shall temporarily do so. Not going to be me though I'm a soldier, I just kill shit not play politics."

No one really seemed to mind so we marched on with the screams of the dying ambushers echoing out. We never stopped marching even through the night we marched onwards. Amiya still fast asleep on Gaia's back with the screams of dying fools getting clearer over time. By the time they were crystal clear though the mega carrier was in sight along with a ragging battle. Growling softly my magic flared around me, spears of the void raced forward impaling and spilling enemy blood.

We broke out into a run as we killed those around us rushing in for a kill. Any who got to close to me usually died painfully or quickly due the little assassin riding my shoulder. Sensing something wrong I toss the cold corpse in my arms to Loki who catches it on her back. Throwing Manticore to W I stomped my right foot forward, a wave of shadows rose up and carried those following me off towards the carrier. As soon as they left what gave me that feeling clicked their tongue in annoyance. It was a Sarkaz woman who looked ready to monologue.

So as she opened her mouth to speak, blood shackles shot out of the Earth restricting her. This startled her pretty badly just sadly for her even as she created a supernova to try something. I drew my shotgun and blew the top half of her skull off before spinning on my heels and blowing the chest of the real version out. She looked at me dumbly, a gaping hole now in her chest as she tenderly reached to touch it. But she died shortly afterwards, looking down at her corpse I stomped the top half into a pulp.

Focusing on the blood all around me that's spilled clapped my hands together. The blood from anything dead, on the ground, or following me surge towards me swallowing me up. Rising high above the current warzone a bloody Wendigo and Dragon hybrid covers my body. Everything falls silent, everyone stops fighting seeing my current display of power.

"Blood God Mannæter on the field. All opposition who persist shall die, your objective is done Theresa is dead but her power is not yours. It is her choosen heirs, so LEAVE or LEARN."

My words make a few Sarkazian forces break for the hills, those who stick around LEARN why I have my strength. Before they could twitch to attack once more they all abruptly die like the dogs they are. Blood laced in Blood Iron impaling them from below through their anuses. Those fleeing who looked back watched in morbid rapt attention and horror at the mass slaughter. Inhaling deeply the blood construct with me inside of it tilts its head to the sky and lets a roaring cackle out.

Its eye's glowing an crimson light inside the bloody Wendigo mask that do not hide the madness I hold. Retracting the blood lances and Blood Iron the corpses drop all at the same time. Shriveled husk of their former selves.

"I am old, a dog of war and extinction, I worked hard and bled to get to this point. I am not afraid to show naughty children waging war death. So remember this well little PRINCE, war against me and you shall loose an entire capital city. You are not family to me only your sister was, so remember this well PRINCE."

Locking eyes with the terrified useless sack of shit for a brother that Theresa had he pales. Smirking I raised a claw, pointing directly at him causing him to flinch chuckling the construct disappeared. My figure falling from the sky feet first into the ground below, splintering and gouging the Earth. Shockwaves traveling up my bones yet nothing breaks due to how robust and controlling I am of this body subconsciously. Standing within the stunned silence of allies forces I walked aboard Rhodes Island.

Retiring to some random unfinished room like area away from everyone. Loki and Gaia hunting me down and joining me as I got situated in a corner to sleep. Manticore, and W carrying a sleeping Amiya appeared sometime later and wedged themselves into our group.