(The previous day John's parents didn't come and pick them up from school nether did they come home why is that what do you think happened. ) ( comment and tell me what you think happened)
(Now let's get back to the story shall we)
~~~~~~~~~ THE NEXT DAY ~~~~~~~~~~
John's pov
' ' I was having the most wonderful dream about Liv and I we were on a date I took het too the movies and a restaurant and after that to the bowling ally, but just as we were about to kiss I go interrupted by a very loud sound' '
huh I'M UP, I'm up.
I'll go check it out its probably Nothing to worry about
' ' Okay maby I lied, if something makes a sound like that something is wrong. Who knows maby we are under attack maby it's just a cat or maby it's just my dog Junior.' '
"John are there zombies out there "
no but after that sound they will come we need to find things to protect ourselves against zombies.
" Like what"
Well you know like knives,hammer and nails , baseball bat, rope you know those things.
"Okay but how do we keep them away from the house and how would we know if they are near the house and why do we need a hammer what are we going to build . "
We can set up a trap for them and install cameras we have 6 brand new cameras in the basement so now we just have to decide on how and what time of trap we are going to make it has to be a strong and guaranteed to work trap luckily I know how to make traps my dad used to show me how to build a traps to catch pray when we used to go camping and the reason why we need the hammer is because mine broke and we are going to need it to set the trap in place .
"Oh cool but one question do we have everything to make this trap and also do we have enough food because I'm not sure about how long it will take us to zombiefy the house and to make weapons "
Liv there is a store one block from here we can go and get some food, duck tape a net, first aid kit and rope the rest of the things we already have it will be quick and I have a voucher for the duck tape and the net and rope so we can get those for a cheaper price and the food doesn't cost that much so we are good to go
"Lead the way my Noble Knight (giggles) "
As you wish my fair maiden I shall protect you from the raged beasts
( Liv gigging)
" Uh John maby we should make a list of things we need first and also its 17:30 maby it would be a good idea to go tomorrow morning instead of now because it is late"
Wow I didn't notice how late it is, uh are you hungry I can make us something to eat.
" Yes actually I am a bit hungry "
( both laughing)
OK I will quickly make us some dinner while you make the list
looks like we will have spaghetti for dinner
" Thank you John "
A few moments later
Here you go fair maden
Why thank you good sir"
no problem.. Uh did you try to.. Uh call your parents
" Yes but they still haven't answer their phone did you call yours"
sigh yeah they haven't answer in 2 days maby we will have some luck tomorrow
"Don't worry I'm sure that they are save "
Yeah maby your right , well let's finish eating and then we can finish our list for tomorrow