~~~~~~ half past nine in the morning ~~~
Stay back you discussing zombie stay back
Ghhhrrrr roar grhh ghhrrrr
'John there is another one here '
"Go Liv take the bag and get the food I will hold them here when you have every thing we can go "
' ' The zombie smells like a dead rat lucky enough I was able to keep the zombies busy until Liv got everything we needed' '
' John I have everything we can go '
" OK will be with you in a minute, so zombie you herd the lady I have to go no if you'd excuse me, no OK guess I will have to do it the hard way"
' ' I hit the zombie with the shovel almost took his head of but oh well so long suckers' '
'wait I forgot the first aid kit I'll be right back'
~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~
" There you are "
'I took 4 first aid kits sorry that you had to wait I couldn't find them so I went to the back and found 4 there weren't any more so I took them all '
" Good idea but seriously let's go before its too late "
' We are going to have to run if we want to make it back home save and sound '
" your right I know a short cut follow me "
~~~~~~~~~~15 minutes later~~~~~~~~
' We made it '
" Told you I knew a short cut. "
' Yes your right now can we start building the trap and sembling the cameras and attaching them to the walls please'
" Of course let's connect them to my computer first than we can attach them to the walls "
' ' I have to say that I enjoy spending time with Liv it doesn't even matter if we are just building a trap and attaching cameras to walls she is fun to hang out with and she is very smart and capable of taking care of her self she is a very caring person' '
"And the cameras are connected to my computer they are ready to go on the walls"
' good now we can see if zombies are near us or not'
"Exactly if a zombie is near us we will be able to see them before they are at our door "
'cool so what do we do now '
" well I guess we could take a break and than start with the trap"
' sounds good '
Hmmm mhh hmmm
"What are you humming "
' Oh it this song I really like '
" c-ccan I hear it "
' ' Why did I start shuttering what is wrong with me, she is just going to sing a song I have heard her sing before it nothing different' '
'Sure '
I can see the things
You doing and you think I
Am naive but when I get
The goods on you you'll
Finally believe
She says it's all this drama
But every bubbles got to pop
She's gonna see what your doing
And than your finally gonna
Have to say
Don't think you're going to win
This time because you
Gotta believe that I got a dime on you
' ' She is just amazing, astonishing and gorgeous, hmm isn't this a song from Phineas and Ferb hmm well she makes the song sounds better no offence Phineas and Ferb lovers' '
" Bravo bravo you should join the choir you're so good "
' thank you John that is so sweet of you but choir isn't my thing '
" how so you love to sing Songs for people or that is exleast what I heard "
' yes it's just I like to sing Songs I like not what the school likes you know what I mean '
Earlier this morning
John's pov
Are you ready we have to be quick and quiet we don't wanna attract to much attention to ourselves.
" I'm ready got a bat and pepper spry "
Okay do you have the list.
" yes do you have the bag for the food and for the tools"
Check wait were is the other bat.
"I only saw one bat and a hammer "
Stay here I'll go find the other bat.
' ' hopefully we won't have to use the bats but you can never be to prepared especially when your in the middle of a zombie apocalypse aha got it' '
Here you go Liv why don't you take the metal bat and I'll take the wooden one.
"Thank you John "
~~~~~~~6 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" we are almost done Liv uh Liv. "
" Oh sorry guess I didn't realise that it's so late we can continue tomorrow"
' ' She looks so peaceful when she sleeps maby I should probably put a blanket on her it is kind of cold and well I'm almost done with the trap so I guess I will just finish this and then I can also sleep' '
" The trap is all done good night Liv "