Diane seemed like she was running for hours from a villain that she had faced before, she kept looking behind her, the villain ever so walking so slowly towards whilst biting his lips but no matter how fast she could run it feels like she was running in place
She looked behind her once more and the villain disappeared, she took a breath of relief but once she looked in front of her the villain appeared again, her legs gave out and the cold pavement made her lose her balance, the villain tried to swing something at her, she closed her eyes and when she opened it again, she was back in her bedroom
The sound of ringing was coming from Diane's phone, "It was all just a bad dream" she said as she let out a sigh of relief, she shrugged off the dream as to not let it bother her day
She gets up and starts getting ready for her first day of school, she walks into the bathroom and looked at the mirror. She looked herself up and down and was in shock that she looked like this, her hair was comparable to a birds nest and the way her clothes sit on her body makes her look like she's been through war, she brushed her teeth and took a bath
The bath was enough to take her mind off the nightmare she had, she looks at her uniform in amazement, she couldn't believe that Leo's school had such a cute uniform, it was a white button up with a beige vest and brown blazer, the skirt was cute as well, it was just a gray skirt but it looked especially cute with the uniform
"Honey! If you keep staring at that uniform you'll be late" the voice caught Diane off guard and it made her jump, it was definitely her mom, she was surprised her knew what she was doing, this was sign for her to stop being dumbfounded and to get ready.
She went downstairs and ate and bid farewell to her mother
"Wait isn't it a little to early for you to go to school" said Diane's mom while she was tidying up the plates from breakfast
"Just wanted to be extra sure Mom" replied Diane as she left
She walked all the way to the train station, she couldn't help but let out a smile, she could finally go to school The bell chime of the train rang and a voice came out of the speaker "Arriving at the Sirford Station", this was were the school was and also the were Leo lives
"Maybe I should drop by Leo's house" Diane thought to herself as she steps off the train, She walked to Leo's house and along her way, she saw multiple people wearing the same uniform as her walking the opposite direction, she got weird looks while going to Leo's house but she didn't let it her bother her
A person was coming out of the house as he opens the door it looked like he was talking to someone behind him "I'm going now, bye Mom" it was Leo. As Leo looked forward he was caught by surprise when Diane was in front of his house
"What are you doing here?" asked Leo, a tad surprised to see Diane waiting in front of the door
Diane clutched her bag tightly in her hands and looked at Leo with puppy dog eyes "I wanted to walk to school someone"
Leo couldn't refuse the pleading Diane, especially while she was giving him that look, so he went along with Diane's request and walked to school with her
The school was only a short distance from Leo's home but they still found a way to chat along the way
"How is it like in your school, you didn't mention they had cute uniforms?" Diane said
"It's fine I guess, we don't get that much transfers so we've always been with the same class almost every time" said Leo
The pair arrived in front of the school gates, Diane's eyes lit up, a big enthusiastic smile was on Diane's face, she was more than excited to go to school
"We should check out what class we're in, it should be posted on the bulletin board in the main building" said Leo
The two of them went their way to the main building to look at the bulletin board, when they arrive plenty of student were surrounding the bulletin board so it was hard to see
Leo pushed the crowd to make way for Diane so she could see their class
"Lucky!! Where in the same class Leo" exclaimed an excited Diane upon seeing the paper pinned on the board
"I guess we should make our way there" added Diane
They make their way to their class, Leo opened the door to see his classmates, he lets out a sigh, disappointed that they were almost the same person as last year
There were 4 people inside the classroom, seems like they were early
A guy with spiky brown hair and an unkept uniform was sitting near the door, it seemed like he was sleeping so the pair didn't bother him, there was another person sitting in the back of the class, she was sitting near the window and was looking out of it, it looks like she's deep in thought and there was a couple fighting near the chalk board, a girl with blonde hair in twin tails and a boy with black hair with bangs
"I not that I like you or anything, I just had some extra food so I thought might as well" said the blonde girl
"We've been dating for years and you still keep up that act, well it's cute anyways" said the black haired boy as he pats the girl's head
Leo and Diane took a seat near the windows up front, they figured since it's still to early for class to start, they'd chat till the teacher would come. Slowly the room would fill in with students and they continued chatting until girl with pink hair comes in.
"Hey Leo, who's this?" said the girl
"Oh hey, Luna, this is Diane she's a friend of mine" said Leo while
"The name's Luna Winters, how are you?" said Luna, she reached out her hands for a handshake whilst speaking
Diane stood up, shook her hand and gave a warm smile "I'm doing great, how about you?"
Luna took a seat behind Leo and Diane and the three continued chatting till the teacher came in
A balding middle aged man came into the room wearing a button up and dress pants, "Ok Class" He said as he looked around the room "The name's William Brown but some of you already know that"
"There's a new student that transferred here, why don't you come up here and introduce yourself, your name and power would suffice" He continued
Diane stood up from her seat and stood next to the teacher, she was given glances and other students were talking among themselves, Diane thought of what bad things they could be saying about her but she calmed her nerves
"My name is Diane S. Brynne"
"My power is..." She stopped for a moment, she wondered if she should really said it then she looked at Leo and she continued
"as I like to call it, Jack of All Trades"