The trio explored all the remaining clubs, ended the day without joining one and went their own ways. The next day has arrived and Diane slept through all her classes, again
She wakes up and stretches on her seat "Why do I always find myself falling asleep" she thought to herself, she looks outside and see's a group of people playing soccer "I wonder if I'm fit enough to join them, wait why am I even thinking about it I don't even know how to play" she thought to herself, she kept looking outside and pondering to herself until Luna appeared
"Hey! what's up" Luna said as she she popped out of nowhere,surprising Diane making her jump
"Have you thought of which club you'll be joining?" asked Luna
"Not yet, how about you?" replied Diane
"No, I actually want to join the one you chose" said Luna
Diane stared outside again looking at people playing soccer and looking like she was lost in thought, Luna looked at her face with curiosity and looked outside as well to the group
"Oh that's the soccer club, they're one of the physically demanding club compared to the others we have, they use their powers when they're playing so it makes it really interesting. They join the club battle every year along with the basketball and volleyball club, those 3 clubs really like competing even if they don't win" Luna explained
"Huh, I thought of joining one of the sports club but I already decided on what I want to do" said Diane
Leo walked in the room as he heard this, Leo and Luna they're both interested and payed attention to what Diane had to say next, they waited in anticipation on what club Diane would go to as they planned to go to the same club as her
"I'm not joining one" said Diane, Leo and Luna were shocked that Diane isn't joining one
"I wanted to join the club battles but none of the clubs really resonated with me" added Diane
Leo scratched the back of his head "Then how are you going to participate in the club battles"
"Ehehehe" Diane giggled and shyly twiddled her two pointer fingers "Sorry about that but I thought that since the current council members competed without joining I thought we could as well"
"Then it'll just be the three of us?" asked Luna
"I thought that maybe we could ask some people to maybe join us" replied Diane
"By the way Luna? What's your power, I've never really heard of it nor seen it" said Diane
"I call it power core, heat swells up inside me and I get an extraordinary boosts to my physical abilities, it includes my strength, speed and stamina. And if we don't find anyone else it'll just be you and me that could fight" said Luna
"yeah, I won't be that helpful with fights, all I could do is gather information with my powers" said Leo
"Its fine, you're more then helpful Leo" replied Diane
Diane looked down and clenched her fist "but ever since what happened yesterday, I couldn't let what the student council do to the students, they can't keep trampling over us and I thought that maybe we could change that"
"We can go to teachers faculty and ask one of our teachers if we could" said Luna
Diane gets up and slammed her hands on her table excitedly "Then lets go"
They head over to the teachers faculty and talked to their advisor
"We'd like to participate in the club battles" said Diane
"Sure, what club are you in" asked the advisor
"We aren't in one but we're still participating" replied Diane
"Well you can't" said Mr. Brown as he looked away with a scornful look on his face
"But the current student council did so, why can't we!" argued Diane
Diane and Mr. Brown kept arguing while Leo and Luna were standing there awkwardly, they were so noisy even people from the next room over could hear them, they kept arguing until Mr. Brown noticed someone with silver hair leaning on the doorway, there's only person with that hair and it made Mr. Brown stop speaking to Diane
Diane slammed her hands on Mr. Brown's desk "Why can't you just let us joi--" Diane gets cut off
"Ah, Council President Silver" said Mr. Brown as he looked over Diane's shoulder and stood up "What brings you here?"
Silver stopped leaning on the doorway, stood up straight and combed his fingers through his hair "Some students complained that you were being loud and I came to check it out"
"I'm sorry about the commotion, this girl wants to join the club battles without being in one, she's dumb isn't she?" Mr. Brown lets out a small giggle
"Why didn't you allow them? I've overheard that since we were able to do it, why couldn't they?" said Silver with an arrogant smirk on his face
A chill went down Mr. Brown's spine after Silver said that, "I'll get right to it" he said with an awkward smile on his face, Silver could feel the fear of Mr. Brown and let out a chuckle, Mr. Brown wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and dashed out quickly once he saw the opportunity. Silver could feel the fear of Mr. Brown and let out a chuckle as he bid him goodbye
"Why did you come here? Are you going to try and invite me again? Just to let you know, no matter how many times you ask, I wont" said Diane as he was staring daggers at Silver
Silver smirked slyly "That's exactly why I was here for, but it looks you insists on not joining" he turns his back to Diane and was preparing to leave "I just here to warn you, you've made enemies out of us" he said as he was walking away
Dr. Brown came back and as was relieved that Silver had left, he brought a piece of paper with him and he set it down on his table "Just write down your names here and sign it"
The trio wrote down their names and Diane signed it at the bottom
"Don't forget to train, good luck you're gonna need it" said Mr. Brown as the trio went home