Days have passed since Diane and her friends signed for the club battle yet they haven't done anything yet, she wakes up from her sleep and looks at her clock to see it's already noon, she's really late for school. She leaps out from her bed and dashes to the bathroom to get ready, she looks at herself in the mirror and didn't even bother fixing her hair, she brushes her teeth and washed her face. She goes back to her room to find her uniform missing
"Mom! Where's my uniform?" Diane screamed from the top of her stairs "I'm gonna be late" She said as she heads downstairs to the kitchen
She see's her mother cooking something, Her mother turned her to her holding a pan, "Isn't it a Saturday today?" her mother said, Diane was shocked but let out a sigh of relief, she was relieved that she would be late for school
"I didn't bother waking you up since it was Saturday but since you're here, you might as well eat lunch" said Diane's mom, Diane released all the tension on her mind and body, Diane sat down and ate her lunch
"Maybe I should call Leo and Luna to train and get information" Diane thought to herself "Mom, I'll go hangout with my friends later", Diane finished her meal and went to the bathroom and and took a bath after taking a bath, Diane called her friends to meet up and to train and spar for the upcoming club battles
They met up at the abandoned train station, Diane told Leo earlier to bring anyone that wanted to join them. Diane expected a few people but when she arrived, there was only one extra person, none the less Diane was still happy that someone joined them, "It looks like I'm the last to one arrive, I'm assuming that you met everyone else, my name is Diane" she reached out her hand for a handshake, the timid looking boy shook her hand and introduced himself
"My name is Glen" he said, he was really shy, Diane felt his sweaty palms when he shook her hands, he was shaking as well
"Diane we came here to train right, Wanna spar?" asked Luna
Diane set down her stuff near where Leo is sitting "Sure but let me try something first, could you activate your powers for me?" Luna nodded in agreement and activated her powers, she clutched her chest and wave of heat and energy radiating from Luna was felt by everyone nearby, the pulsing wave kept growing stronger and stronger and until it stopped, the timid boy Glen was knocked of his feet when the final pulse hit
The pulsing stopped and Luna was radiating an red aura around her "Diane, you can go ahead and do what you have to do" said Luna
Diane chanted the words needed for her power to activate
"System Call"
The familiar purple screen appeared yet in front of her, she fiddled with the screen and activated the latter half of her power, Luna's aura flickered and it disappeared
"Is that your power? This could be really useful during the club battles" Luna was impressed and it showed on her face
"Yeah but it's only the latter half, now let's try the other half" replied Diane "could you use your powers again?" Diane asked
Luna clutched her chest yet again and the same pulsing happened again, after a while the aura that surrounded Luna before
Diane chanted again but this time she activated the first half of her powers making her copy Luna's power, Diane copied the same action as Luna, she clutched her chest when suddenly she felt something hot inside her chest
Diane fell on her knees and clutched her chest, she was sweating bullets, the same pulsing happened and Diane clutched her chest harder and harder as the pulse get stronger and stronger, she almost passed out until the same aura that enveloped Luna
Everyone was shocked and tried to help her up but she stopped them from doing so. Diane was staggering as she got up
"I'm okay, I'm amazed that you can handle this type of power" Diane looked like she just ran a marathon "Let's start sparring, I think I can handle this"
Luna agreed with Diane's proposal but went easy on her, they dashed towards each other and clashed fists, the battle is almost neck and neck but considering Luna going easy on Diane it was totally Luna's win if she we're serious
For Diane it was her first time using that half of her power, it was physically draining for her so the fight didn't last long, they stopped to take a short rest
Glen handed them water bottles and was amazed that people could fight like that "Good job, that was a really close fight, you guys were amazing" he was still timid but he tried his best to be friendly, Diane and Luna grabbed the water bottles and Luna chugged it all in one go
"You're really thirsty huh?" jokingly said Diane as she took a sip from the water "I think that's all for today, I feel like I won't be able to move tomorrow if I keep going"
They agreed and Diane and Luna dried they're sweat and changed their clothes
They went on their own was and they were at the train station already when remembered something
"Oh yeah Leo, have you discovered anything about the club battles?" asked Diane
"Yeah, all of the sports club are joining this year as well as the science, art, theater and chess clubs, and for the other members, Glen is the only person I could get" replied Leo
"As for the people participating, I'll tell them to you on the first day of club battles" continued Leo
"Thank Leo, you're a great help" said Diane with a warm smile, Leo's face was flushed everyone noticed except Diane
"I think it would be a good decision for us to rest till next week" suggested Luna, everyone nodded in agreement and went on their way home
Time has passed and it's the first day of the club battles, the whole school was decorated as if it was a school festival, Diane went to school fully readied
Speakers in the hallway played a chime and a beep soon afterwards "If everyone could kindly head to the stadium to spectate the club battles please do so in the next 10 minutes as the show is about to start"
Diane found her friends and went with them to the stadium when an announcer loudly exclaimed "WELCOME EVERYONE TO THE ANNUAL CLUB BATTLES!!"
"I am your host, Marie from the Broadcasting club, I hope you guys will enjoy my commentary and the proceeding show"
"Now lets get the ball rolling with our first match with the soccer club vs the chess club"
Diane looked in to the arena, it was hard for her describe other than with the word "amazing" she looked in awe on how, people could fight so spectacurlaly
"Hey Leo, who's that guy? What's his powers?" asked Diane
"Oh, that's Bo he's the soccer captain, his power is ----"
"Guys, I don't feel so good" Leo got cut off by Luna