"The City of Luxury"

"Sannooooo! What took you so long?" Sanya asked Sanno, who just came from the receptionists' desk to log out.

"I was teaching Chrome how to bake cheese rolls," he replied. He gently placed his arm around her shoulder. "Let's go?"

Sanya nodded. They exited the building, rode the e-train out of the facility, and rode an e-bus going to Newton Grand Tower. When they arrived there, Sanya sat on the benches of the waiting shed, while Sanno hurriedly fetched his car.

Sanno's cute, blue car stopped in front of Sanya. He lowered the window beside the front seat. "Sanya," he called her, while she went in and closed the door. "Where are we going?"

"Anywhere with fur coats," she said and took out a list of stores she planned to visit. "I know some mall stalls in Makylee City selling really cheap ones."

"Sanya, I've got all my savings for ya," Sanno said, then winked at her. "We're going to Margaux City."

"What?! But Sanno…" Sanya complained because she's not sure if they can afford any fur coats there. She knew that Margaux City, which is located north-west of Eulim City, is famous for its luxury malls, casinos, and high-class establishments. They call it the "Rich People's City."

"I'm going to get you a decent fur coat," He looked straight at Sanya's gray eyes, showing that he's serious. "I want you to shine in that research conference. Trust me, and let me buy you some expensive stuff. Okay?"

Sanya blushed with the thought that Sanno really loved her. Even though he didn't tell her about it, she believed in the saying, "actions speak louder than words". In the end, she agreed. She had always trusted him.

As the car accelerated through the highway, the beautiful orange sunset could be seen on the left side. Sanya turned her head to Sanno, seeing how handsome he was while seriously gripping the steering wheel. The orange color of the sunset made Sanno's white long-sleeved shirt turn to orange, too.

"Why are you looking at me?" Sanno asked her. "Am I handsome?" He smiled, still looking in front while driving.

"Uhm! I was looking at the sunset!" Sanya said, while her cheeks turned red.

They arrived at Margaux City after twenty minutes on the highway. Sanno turned over to one of the exclusive malls and parked in its basement. The two of them entered the establishment.

"Where are you headed?" the guard asked Sanya. She was just wearing jeans and a pink, plain top. She didn't even have any accessories on her body. She didn't look like the usual rich customer, so the guard needed to confirm her destination.

"Sir, I-"

She was interrupted by Sanno, "Hey, I'm with her," he said, and shook hands with the guard. After he graduated, he usually visited the exclusive mall with his father to establish connections and meet people in the bar. There's a VIP exclusive bar on the rooftop.

"Long time no see," the guard recognized him, and Sanya was surprised because it seemed like he frequently came to the mall before.

Sanno told him, "I'm going to buy her some stuff."

The guard let them in. Inside the mall were intricate carvings of peacocks, which were either gold-blue or blue-silver. In the center was a wide free space, and a chandelier with lots of diamonds was hanging on the ceiling.

Sanya stood there, amazed by her surroundings. She had been to some famous malls, but an exclusive mall like that one in Margaux City was too amazing. But she had to cut her astonishment when she remembered that she had to ask Sanno about the conversation with the guard earlier.

"Sanno, why did the guard know you?" Sanya asked, raising her eyebrow.

Sanno then replied, "I worked here before… as an assistant in the kitchen… at the VIP bar upstairs." He's confident with that excuse, because he knew the employees there, including the owner who was his father's friend.

The naive young scientist believed him immediately. She believed that he had no reason to lie to her, and he wouldn't shower her with gifts if he didn't like her.

The two of them went upstairs to the boutiques.

"Welcome, sir," a lady led them in. "What are you looking for? We have our new arrivals from Franzine and Parisian." It was a shop which sells clothes from Europe.

"We're looking for fur coats, miss," Sanya said politely.

"This way, please," the lady smiled at them and showed them the way to the coats section.

"Look around, and choose anything you want," Sanno told her.

Sanya scanned the rack of fur coats, looking for the cheapest fur coat available. She kept on searching for the price tag until they had been through three different racks.

"Don't look at the price tags, Sanya," Sanno laughed at her, finding her actions cute. But even if he did, he's still dead set on achieving his main goal - the only reason why he's approaching her. "Just choose what you want. Don't worry about the bill."

Because of what he said, Sanya looked at the other fur coats on another rack, and when she looked up to one of the displays, she was mesmerized by what she saw. Enclosed in a glass window was a mannequin, dressed in a plain black shirt and black leggings. A thick, multi-layered beige coat with brown furs covering the collar up to the bottom corner was worn on it. It had a classy and sophisticated vibe.

As she was staring closely at the display, Sanno noticed her reaction towards the fur coat.

"What's this brand? How much is this?" Sanya asked the lady.

"Oh, that's the newest coat design from the brand Pleocatra. It's 350,000 digital cash."

Sanya's eyes widened when she heard the price. She wouldn't want Sanno to drop 350,000 just for a fur coat! "Uhm… Thanks, but I'm going to find another one."

"Take it, Sanya. I'll pay." Sanno told her.

"But it's too much… I don't think your savings can afford-"

Suddenly, a woman in her 60's, wearing a branded red frilled top, an expensive white pencil skirt, and golden accessories approached the shop lady. Her curly, green with streaks of white hair rested on her back.

"It seems like they don't want it. I'll take it," she said while glaring at the two. "Why did the guard let these poor people come in?" She looked at them from head to toe, as if they looked hideous.

When the lady saw the VIP in front of them, she said politely, "Welcome to the shop, Mrs. Hiddleworth."