Anything for Qiao Ruo (Xinyuan)

Xia Xinyuan could not remember what happened the night before. Unlike with Akira Yuan, he had been completely aware of what he was doing, until the wealthy CEO had retained him for another day, and he had felt like a caged animal.

He understood that he must have had a drop too much the night before, but at most, he probably had just got drunk and taken off his clothes to go to sleep. It was probably safe, he assured himself. Beside him in bed, a topless lady had her head turned to one side, facing the wall. He didn't think too much about the woman, since he had likely not done anything to her. 

But how had he got to the hotel room in such intoxication? He had to find out for himself.

He was not a lewd man, and he didn't need to look under the sheets like they did in the dramas on TV back in the olden days. Of course, he didn't know the reasoning behind that, but he was sure it was to check if they still had their underwears on.