The New Assistant

The next day-

Qiao Ruo did not remember when was the last time she set foot in the Xia Corporation's head office. It was located in the city centre like area inside a building known as The Oscillation, and she found the area not so noisy compared to where Qing Tian's branch office was.

Xinyuan flashed his parking card at an electronic sensor-equipped gate, halting the Mercedes at the dropoff area. A trendy-looking man in a hat and uniform hurried towards the vehicle and presented them with a bow.

"Mr Xia, Hale at your service."

He handed her the key to his car and alighted, assisting Qiao Ruo with her door. 

The glass doors to the building automatically opened upon detection of their presence. She looked about her surroundings, smiling at how majestic the head office had grown to be.