
William was shocked when he heard this, was there nothing he could do? Would he just die victim to an assassin girl that even announced that she was going to kill him? This couldn't be his end. There had to be a way to escape this fate. „is there nothing I can do?"

The doctor sighed when he heard this „I'm only a doctor I can't help you with wounds on that level. For something like this you would need an alchemist grandmaster, and meeting an alchemist grandmaster is basically impossible. But thanks to your strong body you will survive for a bit longer. The only other way i know of is if you go to or becoming a poison cultivator and that's extremely difficult, but I assume you have still another few days left so maybe the luck is on your side.

William was delighted when he heard this. Atleast there was a slight chance of survival. This also means he would have more time to find a solution, there was still hope. He got up and quickly left towards the inn he was staying in.

There he started resting a bit, every cell in his body was hurting. It was an incredibly torturing feeling, but can he do? Try to search for a person that could help him or try to become a poison cultivator? Both options had benefits and Drawbacks, but both options were also extremely hard to accomplish.

Poison cultivators were mostly assassins so meeting them was extremely difficult. Even if he asked the army for help they might need days to find one and he could be long dead till then. If he tried to become a poison cultivator, then his future path was decided and he would have no chance to change it anymore. It would also be incredibly difficult to accomplish and he wouldn't be able to do anything else.

The military had a high chance of being too slow and becoming a poison cultivator was extremely difficult. Both choices were choices that he didn't believe would be able to save him, but he had no chance but to try one of them. It was frustrating but he had to, or else he wouldn't survive.

But what should he choose, should he hope to get saved or try to save himself? it was a difficult choice. He really wasn't sure what to choose and minutes past like this but William still couldn't decide on what to do.