"Don't talk to strangers." That is what mother always says, always reminded and always made me promise to abide. And I always did, followed her words, her warnings like a good girl that I am. Always quiet in public spaces, always keeping to myself, arms crossed as if to comfort myself, head bowed down low to avoid eye contact and always cautious on who is near me and who is talking to me. I must always remember mother's warnings, to stay safe, so that I could go home to her.
However, I just can't help but to be drawn to them, to interact, to talk, to converse with such new people that has different perspective to offer, new information to share and most importantly, their presence— as unusual as it is— brings comfort to me. Knowing that they don't know me, I don't know them. No harm could possibly be done right?
'To my part at least.'
"Beware of strangers."
But mother, it is them that should be beware of me. After all, where do you think I got all that meat from?